Date: 23 Jul 2016, 10:23p
Source: ABC News Australia
Author: Claire Moodie
Jessica’s mystery disease tackled by expert panel
The family of a Perth girl is cautiously hoping a panel of experts will be able to diagnose the mystery condition which has baffled the 11-year-old’s doctors for years.
190,000 West Australians affected by rare diseases. Rare diseases are defined as conditions that are usually genetic in origin and affect fewer than one in 2,000 people.
They have been identified as a public health priority because they collectively affect up to 190,000 West Australians, including 63,000 children. To read the article.
Clinical geneticist Dr Gareth Baynam sitting on a stool with medical equipment in the background.
Dr Gareth Baynam heads-up the Undiagnosed Diseases Program.