Date: June 2022.
Source: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Volume – Issue – 10.1097/PRS.0000000000009337 doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000009337.
Background: Facial fat grafts decrease in volume after transplantation. This observation is based on overall facial 3D analyses, since there is sparse information on volume changes in well-defined aesthetic areas. We aimed to assess the overall and more specifically the local volumetric effects of facial fat grafting and relate these effects to patient satisfaction up to one year after treatment.
Materials and Methods: All consecutive adult female patients who were scheduled for facial fat grafting without additional surgical procedures were asked to participate. All patients received the same fat grafting method. An algorithm based personalized aesthetic template was applied to define specific aesthetic areas on the preoperative 3D image (3dMD). Objective outcome parameters (3D volume differences, patient satisfaction (FACE-Q questionnaire)) were measured at baseline, and 6 weeks, 6 months and 12 months after fat grafting.
Results: Of 33 female patients that underwent a facial fat graft procedure, 23 patients had complete 3D data and were eligible for analysis. Highest volume gain was observed 6 weeks after grafting and was followed by a gradual loss thereafter. Overall and in the zygomatic area, a substantial gain in volume was still present 1 year after grafting, while this effect was lost in the lip area. FACE-Q scales “Satisfaction with facial appearance overall” and “satisfaction with cheeks” improved too, while “lines lips” returned to baseline levels. The improvement in FACE-Q scales was in agreement with the objective change in volume.
Conclusions: Gain in overall and local volumetric effects is accompanied by comparable changes in patient satisfaction.

Article: Volumetric effect and patient satisfaction after facial fat grafting.
Authors: A Jorien Tuin MD, DMD, PhD; Rutger H Schepers MD, DMD, MSc, PhD; Frederik KL Spijkervet DMD, PhD; Arjan Vissink MD, DMD, PhD; Johan Jansma MD, DMD, MSc, PhD. Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.