Date. 9-September-2020
Source. Cyber Valley c/o MPI for Intelligent Systems
“Cyber Valley is an example of the attractiveness of Germany as an AI location. Science and industry work hand in hand here and show how the transfer of excellent research into innovative applications and business models can succeed,” said Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday following a virtual tour through research facilities of the Cyber Valley Initiative together with Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann. “The federal government will continue to support AI research and its transfer into application. With the future package, we are providing an additional two billion euros for AI ecosystems with international appeal, attractive conditions for talent and the most modern computing infrastructures.”
Michael Black added: “The primary goal of Cyber Valley is to create the jobs of the future – right here, in the Stuttgart-Tübingen region, which has the richest and most renowned collection of AI researchers in Germany. In addition, the Cyber Valley ecosystem with the universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems offers first-class training in the broad field of intelligent systems and prepares them for careers in science and industry. In addition, the strong economic infrastructure of Baden-Württemberg offers the ideal starting conditions for AI start-ups.”