Posterior cranial vault distraction in the management of syndromic multi-suture craniosynostosis: Outcomes and 3D photographic/CT-based morphometric analysis. CR Forrest, BM French, A Clausen.

Date: April 11-14, 2015. Source: AAPS 94th Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, USA. PURPOSE: Posterior cranial vault distraction has recently been popularized as a first intervention technique in the management of syndromic and multi-suture craniosynostosis. The purpose of this study was to present our experience with posterior cranial vault distraction in the management of these complex…

Digital capture, design, and manufacturing of a facial prosthesis: Clinical report on a pediatric patient. GT Grant, C Aita-Holmes, P Liacouras; J Garnes; WO Wilson.

Date: April 2015 (online). Source: The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Abstract: A digitally captured, designed, and fabricated facial prosthesis is presented as an alternative to customary maxillofacial prosthodontics fabrication techniques, where a facial moulage and patient cooperation may be difficult. Article: Digital capture, design, and manufacturing of a facial prosthesis: Clinical report on a pediatric…