Date: January 2024.
Source: Support Care Cancer 32, 105.
Objective: To inform bra design by analyzing 3D surface images of breast cancer patients who underwent autologous breast reconstruction.
Materials and Methods: We computed bra design measurements on 3D surface images of patients who underwent unilateral and bilateral autologous breast reconstruction. Breast measurements and right-left symmetry between preoperative baseline and postoperative time points were compared using either paired Student t-test or Wilcoxon signed-rank test, depending on the data’s distribution. Regression analysis determined associations between measurements and patient characteristics such as age. Postoperative measurements and symmetry differences were also compared between autologous and implant-based breast reconstruction.
Results: Among participants who underwent bilateral autologous breast reconstruction, the reconstructed breasts were smaller and positioned higher on the chest wall than their native breasts. For patients who underwent unilateral reconstruction, similar postoperative changes were observed in the contralateral breast due to symmetry procedures. Overall, for participants whose baseline breast measurements showed substantial asymmetry, unilateral reconstruction decreased right-left asymmetry whereas bilateral reconstruction amplified right-left asymmetry. Preoperative baseline breast measurements, age, and BMI were statistically significantly associated with most postoperative breast measurements for participants who underwent bilateral autologous reconstruction. Compared to implant-based reconstruction, autologous reconstruction resulted in fewer changes in breast shape and symmetry that are pertinent to bra fit.
Conclusions: Preoperative baseline breast measurements, age, and BMI can impact bra designs for breast cancer survivors who undergo autologous reconstruction due to size, shape, and symmetry changes. Bra needs of people who undergo autologous reconstruction differ from those who undergo implant-based reconstruction.

Article: Impact of autologous breast reconstruction on bra fit.
Authors: Yen-Tung Liu, Novera H Khan, Mary Catherine Bordes, Gregory P Reece, Ashleigh M Francis, Tzuan A Chen, Karen Bravo, and Mia K Markey. Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA. Department of Plastic Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA.