Mother and Daughter Carrying of the Same Pathogenic Variant in FGFR2 with Discordant Phenotype. F Lo Vecchio, E Tabolacci, V Nobile, MG Pomponi, R Pietrobono, G Neri, S Amenta, E Candida, C Grippaudo, E Lo Cascio et al.

Craniosynostosis are a heterogeneous group of genetic conditions characterized by the premature fusion of the skull bones. The most common forms of craniosynostosis are Crouzon, Apert and Pfeiffer syndromes.

Smile Reproducibility and Its Relationship to Self-Perceived Smile Attractiveness. D Dobreva, N Gkantidis, D Halazonetis, C Verna, G Kanavakis.

Our results show that lip morphology during smiling is highly consistent among young adults. Females presented higher consistency in the shape of the smile, including lip morphology, compared to males. Self-perceived smile attractiveness was not associated to smile consistency.