Detailed, accurate, human shape estimation from clothed 3D scan sequences. C Zhang, S Pujades, M Black, G Pons-Moll.

Date: March 2017. Source: ( Abstract: We address the problem of estimating human body shape from 3D scans over time. Reliable estimation of 3D body shape is necessary for many applications including virtual try-on, health monitoring, and avatar creation for virtual reality. Scanning bodies in minimal clothing, however, presents a practical barrier to these…

Body Labs and 3dMD Announce Partnership to Deliver First End-to-End 3D Body Scan Processing Solution.

NEW YORK — October 5, 2016 — Body Labs, provider of the world’s most advanced technology for analyzing the human body’s shape, pose and motion, announced today a partnership with 3dMD, the world’s leading provider of high-precision static-3D and temporal-3D (marker-less 4D) systems for seamlessly capturing the human body’s anatomical shape, pose, and motion, to…

A first look inside the new facility where Under Armour creates athletic apparel of the future. Business Insider.

Date: July 8, 2016. Source: Business Insider. Summary: Under Armour’s new innovation lab, the Lighthouse, is a state-of-the art facility to create and test the next generation of athletic products. It will also create new capabilities for faster and more efficient manufacturing.

Latest 3dMDbody.t System (7fps) demonstrated by customer at ISEA 2016 in Delft.

Date: July 2016 Source: 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association. Delft, The Netherlands. Activity: The latest-generation dynamic 3dMDbody.t System (7fps) located in the Industrial Design Engineering School, TU Delft, a long-standing 3dMD customer, was demonstrated to delegates participating in the 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association.

Under Armour's new innovation lab has sneaker-making robots and high-tech body scanners. Tech Insider.

Date: June 28, 2016 Source: Tech Insider. By Leanna Garfield Headline: The process of making athletic shoes and clothing has changed very little in the last half-century. Apart from industrial-sized machines that speed up production, many factories’ operations look pretty similar. Under Armour wants to reinvent the process in its giant design and manufacturing test…

Appealing Female Avatars from 3D Body Scans: Perceptual Effects of Stylization. R Fleming, BJ Mohler, J Romero, MJ Black, M Breidt.

Date: March 2016. Source: Semantic Abstract: Advances in 3D scanning technology allow us to create realistic virtual avatars from full body 3D scan data. However, negative reactions to some realistic computer generated humans suggest that this approach might not always provide the most appealing results. Using styles derived from existing popular character designs, we…

Rendering or normalization? An analysis of the 3D-aided pose-invariant face recognition. YH Wu, SK Shah, IA Kakadiaris.

Date: February 2016. Source: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA), Sendai. Presenter: Yuhang Wu. Abstract: In spite of recent progress achieved in near-frontal face recognition, the problem of pose variations prevalent in 2D facial images captured in the wild still remains a challenging and unsolved issue. Among existing approaches of…

A Multiresolution 3D Morphable Face Model and Fitting Framework. P Huber, GS Hu, R Tena, P Mortazavian, WP Koppen.

Date: February 2016. Source: VISAPP 2016: The 11th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy. Abstract: 3D Morphable Face Models are a powerful tool in computer vision. They consist of a PCA model of face shape and colour information and allow to reconstruct a 3D face from a single 2D image. 3D…