The Effects of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis on Axial Rotation of the Spine: A Study of Twisting Using Surface Topography. A Thakur, JH Heyer, E Wong, HJ Hillstrom, B Groisser, K Page, C Gmelich, ME Cunningham, RF Widmann, MT Hresko.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of scoliosis on axial range of motion. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients and asymptomatic controls were scanned in a topographic scanner while twisting maximally to the left and right.

Articulated Objects in Free-form Hand Interaction. Z Fan, O Taheri, D Tzionas, M Kocabas, M Kaufmann, MJ Black, O Hilliges.

Introducing ARCTIC – the first dataset of free-form interactions of hands and articulated objects. ARCTIC has 1.2M images paired with accurate 3D meshes for both hands and for objects that move and deform over time. The dataset also provides hand-object contact information.

An exploratory study of bust measurements during running using 4D scanning technology. J Pei, L Griffin, SP Ashdown, J Fan, B Juhnke, C Curry.

The purpose of this research was to introduce the use of 4D scanning technology to understand breast shape in motion. Twenty-six female participants who identified themselves as wearing Missy Size 18 were recruited for scanning. Three most common bust measurements were tracked in dynamic states and compared with the static state.

Designing and utilizing 3D-printed skin incision guides during the first Dutch bilateral hand-arm transplantation. S Hummelink, AS Kruit, SER Hovius, DJO Ulrich.

This study believes 3D printed templates usage increases time efficiency, improves the match of skin flaps in donor and recipient arms, and allows us to control the amount of skin surplus without skin flap tip necrosis. In these procedures where time is of the essence, this team believes pre-operative planning is imperative for its success.