The Breakthrough Potential for Dynamic High-Frame Rate 3D Dense Surface Capture. CR Lane.

Date: October 16-17, 2012 Source: 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012, Lugano, Switzerland Presentation: The Breakthrough Potential for Dynamic High-Frame Rate 3D Dense Surface Capture. Invited Speaker: Christopher R Lane, CEO of 3dMD

KEYNOTE: From Scans to Avatars: Using Multi-Viewpoint, High Precision 3D Surface Imaging to Create Realistic Deformable Models of the Body. CR Lane and MJ Black.

Date: October 16, 2012 Source: 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012, Lugano, Switzerland Abstract: At the first Lugano Conference in 2010 Michael Black outlined his vision to Chris Lane for the development of a personalized avatar of complex human body movements calibrated by a streamlined workflow of 3D body scans. During the…

Computation of an average cranial shape of three to twelve months old infants using 3D stereophotogrammetry. T Maal, L Verhamme, E van Lindert, W Borstlap, S Berge.

Date: June 28, 2012. Source: 26th International Congress of Computer Assisted Radiology 2012 (CARS) in Pisa, Italy. Purpose: The goal of this study was to create an average cranial shape using an automated process for a control population. This model includes the variation of growth and allows for an easy comparison between patient and average…

Analysis of Forces Generated by N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator Tethering Devices: A Pilot Study. R Roberge, G Niezgoda, S Benson

Date: June 2012. Source: Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene; Volume 9, Issue 8, pp 517-23. Abstract: The restorative forces of elasticized tethering devices on N95 filtering facepiece respirators (N95 FFR), that occur in response to the application of a load (applied force) during donning, create the requisite pressure to effectively seal the respirator against…

Three-dimensional stereophotogrammetrical analysis of peristomal fixation of adhesive base plates during hands-free speech among laryngectomised patients related to tracheostoma volumes. R Dirven, Y Wouters, R Vreeken, TJJ Maal, HAM Marres.

Date: April 2012. Source: Clinical Otolaryngology; Volume 37, pp 124–129. Objective: This study evaluates the relation between stoma volumes by means of objective three-dimensional measurements of laryngectomised individuals and peristomal fixation of adhesive baseplates during hands-free speech. Design: A three-dimensional stereophotogrammetrical image was captured of the tracheostoma and its surrounding tissue for each participant. The…