The Effect of Lipotransfer on Facial Scleroderma. DF Hunt, LL Bravan, LL Uppal, C Denton, PE Butler.

Date: April 2015. Source: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Volume 135, Issue 4, AAPS Abstract Supplement, p 1181. Purpose: Scleroderma (SS), is a systemic autoimmune disease causing fibrosis of the skin and other tissues. In diffuse cutaneous disease 1—year survival is 55%. Scleroderma commonly affects the face and mouth. Methods: We report the treatment of oral facial…

3D surface imaging of the human female torso in upright to supine positions. GP Reece, F Merchant, J Andon, H Khatam, K. Ravi-Chandar, J Weston, MC Fingeret, CR Lane, KS Duncan, MK Markey.

Date: April 2015. Source: Medical, Engineering and Physics, Volume 37, Issue 4, Pages 375–383. Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) surface imaging of breasts is usually done with the patient in an upright position, which does not permit comparison of changes in breast morphology with changes in position of the torso. In theory, these limitations may be eliminated if…