Appealing Female Avatars from 3D Body Scans: Perceptual Effects of Stylization. R Fleming, BJ Mohler, J Romero, MJ Black, M Breidt.

Date: March 2016. Source: Semantic Abstract: Advances in 3D scanning technology allow us to create realistic virtual avatars from full body 3D scan data. However, negative reactions to some realistic computer generated humans suggest that this approach might not always provide the most appealing results. Using styles derived from existing popular character designs, we…

Delayed intracranial hypertension after surgery for nonsyndromic craniosynostosis. S Lam, KM Wagner, E Middlebrook, TG. Luerssen.

Date: December 2015 Source: Surgical Neurology International. 2015; 6: 187. Case Example: A 2-month-old boy presented with an elongated (anterior-posterior) head shape, prominent wide forehead, and bitemporal narrowing. There was a visible and palpable bony keel along the sagittal suture that was present since birth. He was the first child in the family, born at…

Dyna: A Model of Dynamic Human Shape in Motion. G Pons-Moll, J Romero, N Mahmood, MJ Black.

Date: August 2015. Source: SIGGRAPH 2015. Journal ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Volume 34 Issue 4, Article No. 120. SIGGRAPH Presentation: Abstract: To look human, digital full-body avatars need to have soft-tissue deformations like those of real people. We learn a model of soft-tissue deformations from examples using a high-resolution 4D capture system and…

This 4D scanner captures your unique bodily 'jiggle,' by Liat Clark.

Date: 11 August 15 Headline: This 4D scanner captures your unique bodily ‘jiggle’ by Liat Clark Source: The future avatars we embody will show every lump, bump and jiggle of our soft human flesh – and you have tech to thank. A team at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) has developed…

3D surface imaging of the human female torso in upright to supine positions. GP Reece, F Merchant, J Andon, H Khatam, K. Ravi-Chandar, J Weston, MC Fingeret, CR Lane, KS Duncan, MK Markey.

Date: April 2015. Source: Medical, Engineering and Physics, Volume 37, Issue 4, Pages 375–383. Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) surface imaging of breasts is usually done with the patient in an upright position, which does not permit comparison of changes in breast morphology with changes in position of the torso. In theory, these limitations may be eliminated if…

On Site: Battling the Elements at Nike HyperSchool. Complex News.

Date: October 10, 2014. Source: Complex News. Complex Media Inc. Reporting: Sean Evans Nike introduced its 2014 base layer products this week, which the company bills as an athlete’s answer to “extreme heat and cold, wind and precipitation,” i.e. the Nike Hyperwarm kits that are ubiquitous​ to the West Side Highway running path. And, to…

Nike Takes Us to (Hyper)School. Just For Kicks News Post.

Date: October 9, 2014. Source: 3dMD customer Nike held Hyperschool in New York City to demonstrate their latest innovations in product development. “Nike designers, researchers and developers start with athlete insights in order to determine their needs. From there, they unlock these athlete insights in the Nike Explore Team Sport Research Lab by looking at athlete…

3dMD customer Nike held #Hyperschool in NYC to demonstrate their latest innovations in product development.

Date: October 2014. During the session, attendees were invited to get their entire body captured in 3D with our latest generation 3dMDbody10 System. Attendees were surprised by the ease and speed of capture (1.5 milliseconds) and amazed by the quality of their 3dMD surface image. 3dMD is proud that our 3D technology is contributing to…

Can I Recognize My Body’s Weight? The Influence of Shape and Texture on the Perception of Self. I Piryankova, J Stefanucci, J Romero, S de la Rosa, M Black, B Mohler.

Date: September 2014. Source: ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 11, No. 3, Article 13. Abstract: The goal of this research was to investigate women’s sensitivity to changes in their perceived weight by altering the body mass index (BMI) of the participants’ personalized avatars displayed on a large-screen immersive display. We created the personalized avatars…