Correlation between the incisors axis inclination and the exposure of the vermilion. E Candida, S Summa, I D’Apolito, C Strappa, R Deli.

Date: April 2017. Source: XXIV Congresso Nazionale Collegio dei Docenti Universitari di Discipline Odontostomatologiche, Milano, Italy. Objective: the enhancement of the lips through cosmetic techniques is a popular procedure. In literature there are not many studies which demonstrate all the aspects that influence this area which is so important for patients. Orthodontic biomechanics related to…

Comparison of two- and three-dimensional assessment methods of nasolabial appearance in cleft lip and palate patients. DGM Mosmuller, TJJ Maal, C Prahl, RA Tan, FJ Mulder, RMF Schwirtz, HCW de Vet, SJ Bergé, JPW Don Griot.

Date: April 2017 (ONLINE) Source: Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. Objective: For the assessment of the nasolabial appearance in cleft patients, a widely accepted, reliable scoring system is not available. In this study four different methods of assessment are compared, including 2D and 3D asymmetry and aesthetic assessments. Methods: The data and ratings from an earlier…

Investigating the case of human nose shape and climate adaptation. AA Zaidi , BC Mattern, P Claes, B McEcoy, C Hughes, MD Shriver.

Date: March 2017. Source: PLoS Genetics 13(3): e1006616. Abstract: The evolutionary reasons for variation in nose shape across human populations have been subject to continuing debate. An import function of the nose and nasal cavity is to condition inspired air before it reaches the lower respiratory tract. For this reason, it is thought the observed…

Minimal Invasive Rhinoplasty: Fat Injection for Nasal Dorsum Contouring. S Lin, YC Hsiao, JJ Huang, CS Chang, PKT Chen, JP Chen, LJ Lo, YR Chen.

Date: March 2017. Source: Annals of Plastic Surgery, Volume 78, Issue 3, p S117–S123. Purpose: To determine the graft retention rate of fat injection rhinoplasty in the nasal dorsum region using 3dMD System. Materials and Methods: Thirteen consecutive patients (12 women and 1 man) treated by the corresponding author (F.C.S.C.) between April of 2014 and…

The Effects of Transcutaneous and Intraoral Low-Level Laser Therapy After Extraction of Lower Third Molars: A Randomized Single Blind, Placebo Controlled Dual-Center Study. SA Kahraman, S Cetiner, RA Strauss.

Date: March 2017. Source: Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Objective and background: The surgical removal of impacted third molars is one of the most common procedures performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons. The purpose of this study is to determine whether either transcutaneous or intraoral low-level laser therapy (LLLT) reduces postoperative pain and assists in the…

A predictive model for obstructive sleep apnea and Down syndrome. BG Skotko et al.

Date: January 2017. Source: American Journal of Medical Genetics. Abstract: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs frequently in people with Down syndrome (DS) with reported prevalences ranging between 55% and 97%, compared to 1–4% in the neurotypical pediatric population. Sleep studies are often uncomfortable, costly, and poorly tolerated by individuals with DS. The objective of this…

Three-dimensional evaluation of social smile symmetry. GS Duran, F Dindaroğlu, S Görgülü.

Date: January 2017. Source: The Angle Orthodontist: Vol. 87, No. 1, pp. 96-103. Objective: To evaluate the social smile symmetry using three-dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetric images. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted with 3D facial images of 30 individuals (age range 13–25 years). The rest position was considered as the reference image and the social…

Comprehensive treatment approach for condylar hyperplasia and mandibular crowding with custom lingual braces and 2-jaw surgery. PG Kyteas, WS McKenzie, PD Waite, CH Kau.

Date: January 2017 Source: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Volume 151, Issue 1, PP 174–185. Highlights: • A woman had progressive condylar hyperplasia from age 3 years. • Three-dimensional diagnosis and treatment plan were conducted. • A self-ligating lingual brace system were used. • Three-dimensional surgery was performed and splints placed to correct…

The Role of Three-Dimensional Imaging in Facial Anatomical Assessment. V Sharma, B Richard.

Date: December 2016 Source: Gray’s Anatomy. The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. 41st Edition, Elsevier, pp 45-46. Article: The Role of Three-Dimensional Imaging in Facial Anatomical Assessment. Authors: Vikram Sharma, Bruce Richard.