Comparison of facial morphologies between adult Chinese and Houstonian Caucasian populations using three-dimensional imaging. J Wirthlin, CH Kau, JD English, F Pan, H Zhou.

Date: Sep 2013 Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 42(9):1100-7. Abstract: The objective of this study was to compare the facial morphologies of an adult Chinese population to a Houstonian white population. Three-dimensional (3D) images were acquired via a commercially available stereophotogrammetric camera system, 3dMDface™. Using the system, 100 subjects from a Houstonian…

Image Fusion in Craniofacial Virtual Reality Modeling Based on CT and 3dMD Photogrammetry. P Xin; H Yu; H Cheng; S Shen; SGF Shen.

Date: September 2013. Source: Journal of Craniofacial Surgery: Volume 24, Issue 5, pp 1573–1576. Purpose: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of building a craniofacial virtual reality model by image fusion of 3-dimensional (3D) CT models and 3dMD stereophotogrammetric facial surface. Methods: A CT scan and stereophotography were performed. The 3D…

Presentation: Use of Digital Design. A Paradigm Shift in Surgical Planning for Craniofacial Surgery…Integrating Clinical Data with Static 3D Images. PR Shetye.

Date: September 2013. Source: International Society of Craniofacial Surgery 15th International Congress 2013, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA. Presentation: Use of Digital Design. A Paradigm Shift in Surgical Planning for Craniofacial Surgery… Integrating Clinical Data with Static 3D Images. Speaker: Pradip R. Shetye, DDS NYU Medical Center.

The Use of Pseudo-landmarks for Craniofacial Analysis: A Comparative Study with L1 Regularized Logistic Regression. E Mercan; L Shapiro; S Weinberg; SI Lee.

Date: July 2013. Source: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual Conference. Abstract: Morphometrics, the quantitative analysis of shape, is used by craniofacial researchers to study abnormalities in human face shapes. Most of the work in craniofacial morphometrics uses landmark points that are manually marked on 3D face data and processed via a generalized…

Fat graft transfer in children's facial malformations: A prospective three-dimensional evaluation. M Guibert, G Franchi, E Ansari, B Billotet, PA Diner, S Cassier, MP Vazquez, A Picard, N Kadlub.

Date: June 2013. Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 66(6):799-804. Introduction: Autologous fat grafting for volume augmentation in soft tissues has grown in popularity in the paediatric plastic surgery community, despite a lack of quantifiable evidence of graft survival and predictable outcomes for child patients. The objective of this study is to quantify,…

3D Facial Morphometry in Children with Oral Clefts. I Bugaighis, CR Mattick, B Tiddeman, R Hobson.

Date: April 2013 Source: The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal Purpose: The aim of this study was to characterize three-dimensional (3D) facial morphological variation of children with cleft lip and palate compared to an age- and sex-matched control group. Materials and Methods: Subjects were 103 children aged 8 to 12 years old with cleft lip and palate—40…

3D Imaging and Informatics Approaches to Diagnose Genetic Conditions. C Deutsch.

Date: April 2013. Source: 2013 Bio-IT World Conference & Expo; Boston, USA. Abstract: With the support of NIH, we have developed the first quantitative normative database to diagnose craniofacial abnormalities. This new informatics resource, combined with novel methods in 3D surface imaging and 3D morphometry, provides the means of defining features of medical genetic conditions.…

Soft-Tissue Volumetric Changes Following Monobloc Distraction Procedure: Analysis Using Digital Three-Dimensional Photogrammetry System (3dMD). FC Chan, HK Kawamoto, C Federico, JP Bradley.

Date: March 2013. Source: Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp 416-420. Abstract: We have previously reported that monobloc advancement by distraction osteogenesis resulted in decreased morbidity and greater advancement with less relapse compared with acute monobloc advancement with bone grafting. In this study, we examine the three-dimensional (3D) volumetric soft-tissue changes in…

Three-Dimensional Assessment of Facial Development in Children With Unilateral Cleft Lip With and Without Alveolar Cleft. M Krimmel, S Kluba, M Breidt, M Bacher, S Müller-Hagedorn, K Dietz, H Bülthoff, S Reinert.

Date: January 2013. Source: Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp313-316. Abstract: Children with cleft lip or cleft lip and alveolus represent a minor group in the cleft population. The aim of this study was to analyze the faces of these children. In a prospective, cross-sectional study, 344 healthy children and 30 children…