Do commonly available round facemasks fit near-term and term infants? B Haase, AM Badinska, B Koos, et al.

Round facemasks with an external diameter of 60 mm are too large for almost all newborn infants, while 42/50 mm round facemasks are well fitting. Important anatomical structures were only visible using 3D images.

Evaluation of lumbar motion with fabric strain sensors: A pilot study.

Date: January 2019. Source: International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 69, Pages 194-199. Highlights: • Flexible strain-sensors provides a potential solution for measuring lumbar motion. • The sensor-predicted lumbar angles showed good agreement to the measured body angles. • Sensor signals may have varied between subjects due to anthropometry. • Future work is needed to…

Pushing the Envelope in Dense-Surface 4D/Motion Capture of the Body, Head, Hands, and Feet. Chris Lane.

Date: October 2018. Source: 9th 3DBODY.TECH Conference and Expo. October 16-17, 2018. Lugano, Switzerland, USA. Presenter: Chris LANE, 3dMD Ltd. Session: Technical Session 2: 3D Body Scanning Systems I

Reconstruction of the oral commissure in patients with unilateral transverse facial cleft. M Tuersunjiang, X Long, Y Fu, J Ke, H He, J Li.

Date: September 2018. Source: British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Volume 56, Issue 7, pp 621-625. Abstract: The normal commissure is not a simple joint of the upper and lower lip, but a triangular mucosal area. To reconstruct a symmetrical oral commissure in patients with a unilateral transverse facial cleft, we designed composite vermilion…

A Comparison Between Representative 3D Faces Based on Bi- and Multi-variate and Shape Based Analysis. L Goto, T Huysmans, W Lee, JFM Molenbroek, RHM Goossens.

Date: August 2018. Source: Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018, Florence, Italy). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 824. Springer. Abstract: In Ergonomic product design, designers need to translate anthropometric data of the target population into product dimensions or sizing systems. Currently, sizing systems are often based on…

Thesis. Craniofacial morphology and the use of neonatal non-invasive ventilation therapy. Don He.

Date: August 2018. Source: Thesis. University of British Columbia Library. Craniofacial Science, Dentistry, Faculty of University of British Columbia. Objective: A prospective cohort study with the overall objective to characterize the three-dimensional facial morphology of preterm infants over the course of the first 18 months of corrected age, participating in the Neonatal Follow-up Program of…

Estimating age and synthesising growth in children and adolescents using 3D facial prototypes. H Matthews, A Penington, J Clement et al.

Date: May 2018. Source: Forensic Science International, Volume 286, pp 61-69. Highlights: • Describes a framework for age estimation and growth prediction from 3D photographs. • Accuracy of both approaches is assessed. • This work can facilitate person identification and building 3D facial composites. Abstract: 3D facial images are becoming increasingly common. They provide more…