Minimal Invasive Rhinoplasty: Fat Injection for Nasal Dorsum Contouring. S Lin, YC Hsiao, JJ Huang, CS Chang, PKT Chen, JP Chen, LJ Lo, YR Chen.

Date: March 2017. Source: Annals of Plastic Surgery, Volume 78, Issue 3, p S117–S123. Purpose: To determine the graft retention rate of fat injection rhinoplasty in the nasal dorsum region using 3dMD System. Materials and Methods: Thirteen consecutive patients (12 women and 1 man) treated by the corresponding author (F.C.S.C.) between April of 2014 and…

The impact of aging on the three-dimensional aspect of the hand: a pilot study. IA Hoevenaren, TS Wesselius, JW Meulstee, RD Vreeken, TJJ Maal, DJO Ulrich.

Date: January 2017 (ONLINE). Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery. Background: With rejuvenation treatments of the skin gaining more and more popularity, the inquiry for rejuvenation of the hand grows. Until now, no imaging tool exists to analyze the aging process of the hand. Three-dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetry is a reliable technique which is…

The Role of Three-Dimensional Imaging in Facial Anatomical Assessment. V Sharma, B Richard.

Date: December 2016 Source: Gray’s Anatomy. The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. 41st Edition, Elsevier, pp 45-46. Article: The Role of Three-Dimensional Imaging in Facial Anatomical Assessment. Authors: Vikram Sharma, Bruce Richard.

Three-dimensional soft tissue analysis of the hand: a novel method to investigate effects of acromegaly. IA Hoevenaren, MAEM Wagenmakers, SHPP Roerink, RT Netea-Maier, DJO Ulrich, TJJ Maal.

Date: December 2016. Source: European Journal of Plastic Surgery, Volume 39, Issue 6, pp 429–434. Background: Acral overgrowth is a highly common clinical sign in patients with active acromegaly. To what extent this overgrowth persists after long-term remission of acromegaly is largely unknown. Using the new imaging technique of three-dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetry, it is possible…

Orofacial rehabilitation with zygomatic implants: CAD-CAM bar and magnets for patients with nasal cancer after rhinectomy and partial maxillectomy. E King, C Abbott, L Dovgalski, J Owens.

Date: November 2016. Source: The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Abstract: Nasal carcinoma extending into the premaxilla requires radical surgical excision including rhinectomy and partial maxillectomy. Rehabilitation is complex and involves the use of removable prostheses. Three patients treated with zygomatic implants and custom-milled bars to retain an obturator and nasal prosthesis are presented. Article: Orofacial…

Academics hook up with lingerie company to improve radiotherapy treatment.

As seen on the Sheffield Hallam website… Academics at Sheffield Hallam University are working with a lingerie company and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to provide a new specially designed bra for some women undergoing breast radiotherapy, which they hope will improve accuracy of treatment and also help patients maintain dignity during radiotherapy. Working with…

The course of positional cranial deformation from 3 to 12 months of age and associated risk factors: a follow-up with 3D imaging. H Aarnivala, V Vuollo, V Harila, T Heikkinen, P Pirttiniemi, L Holmström, AM Valkama.

Date: September 2016. Source: European Journal of Pediatrics, pp 1–11. doi:10.1007/s00431-016-2773-z. Abstract: Deformational plagiocephaly is reported in up to 46.6 % of healthy infants, with the highest point prevalence at around 3 months of age. Few prospective studies on the natural course of skull deformation have been conducted, and we know of no studies using…

Measuring Symmetry in Children With Cleft Lip. Part 3: Quantifying Nasal Symmetry and Nasal Normalcy Before and After Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair. S Liang, L Shapiro, R Tse.

Date: October 2016 (Online). Source: The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. Objective: The purpose of this project was to develop objective computer-based methods to measure nasal asymmetry and abnormality in children undergoing treatment of unilateral cleft lip (UCL) and to determine the correlation of these measures to clinical expectations. Participants: Thirty infants with UCL undergoing cleft lip…

Three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry as an accurate tool in analysis of lymphedema of the hand. IA Hoevenaren, AC Verhulst, M Hameeteman, RD Vreeken, TJJ Maal, DJO Ulrich.

Date: September 2016 (Online). Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Background: Lymphedema of the upper extremity is a frequently seen manifestation after breast cancer surgery. Three-dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetry is a reliable technique in clinical practice, for example in volume measurements. The purpose of this research was to investigate if 3D imaging could be…

Endoscopically assisted craniosynostosis surgery (EACS): The craniofacial team Nijmegen experience. HHK Delye, S Arts, WA Borstlap, LM Blok, JJ Driessen, JW Meulstee, TJJ Maal, EJ van Lindert

Date: August 2016 Source: Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Volume 44, Issue 8, Pages 1029–1036. Introduction: An evaluation of our first 111 consecutive cases of non-syndromic endoscopically assisted craniosynostosis surgery (EACS) followed by helmet therapy. Methods: Retrospective analysis of a prospective registration database was performed. Age, duration of surgery, length of hospital stay, blood loss, transfusion…