Facial morphology in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and moderate to severe temporomandibular joint involvement. YJ Hsieh, TA Darvann, NV Hermann, P Larsen, YF Liao, J Bjoern-Joergensen, S Kreiborg.

Date: February 2016 Source: American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics. Volume 149, Issue 2, Pages 182–191. Highlights: • We evaluated lateral facial morphology of juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients with moderate and severe TMJ involvement. • Differences in their lateral facial morphologies between unilateral and bilateral TMJ involvement were also assessed. Introduction: The aims of…

A Pilot Study on the Influence of Facial Expression on Measurements in Three-Dimensional Digital Surfaces of the Face in Infants With Cleft Lip and Palate. NV Hermann, TA Darvann, P Larsen, P Lindholm, M Andersen, S Kreiborg.

Date: January 2016. Source: The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. OBJECTIVE: Three-dimensional surface imaging is an increasingly popular modality for face measurements in infants with cleft lip and palate. Infants are noncompliant toward producing specific facial expressions, and selecting the appropriate moment of acquisition is challenging. The objective was to estimate amount and spatial distribution of deformation…

Delayed intracranial hypertension after surgery for nonsyndromic craniosynostosis. S Lam, KM Wagner, E Middlebrook, TG. Luerssen.

Date: December 2015 Source: Surgical Neurology International. 2015; 6: 187. Case Example: A 2-month-old boy presented with an elongated (anterior-posterior) head shape, prominent wide forehead, and bitemporal narrowing. There was a visible and palpable bony keel along the sagittal suture that was present since birth. He was the first child in the family, born at…

Enriched Autologous Facial Fat Grafts in Aesthetic Surgery: 3D Volumetric Results. SA Schendel.

Date: November 2015. Source: Aesthetic Surgery Journal. Background: Improved results with aesthetic fat augmentation of the face have been recently described by the concomitant use of autologous stem cells from the stromal vascular fraction (SVF). Objective: There are no studies in the literature regarding facial fat augmentation results with the use of SVF using 3D…

Evaluation of Nasal Soft Tissue Changes in a Newborn with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Before and After Nasoalveolar Molding Using a Three-Dimensional System. F Ozturk, E Cakir, SA Ozturk, E Hatunoglu.

Date: September 2015. Source: 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015, London. Introduction: The pre-surgical nasoalveolar molding (PNAM) treatment protocol for cleft patients has been described by Grayson et al. (1993), Brecht et al. (1995), and Cutting et al. (1998). Pre-surgical nasal molding produces tissue expansion of the columella and nasal lining. The purpose of this case…

Application of Computer-Assisted Design and Manufacture in Unilateral Alloplastic Microtia Reconstruction, H Chen, ZC Chen.

Date: September 17, 2015. Source: 16th Congress of International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS) 2015. Presenter: Hsin-Yu Chen. Background: The advances in 3D scanning, computer-assisted design and manufacture (CAD/CAM), and rapid-prototyping technology make customizing a symmetric auricular framework feasible for unilateral microtia patients. In this study, we used an active stereo-photogrammetry system to acquire the…

Precision of 3dMD in Anthropometry of the Auricle and its Application in Microtia Reconstruction, SH Mao, ZC Chen.

Date: September 17, 2015. Source: 16th Congress of International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS) 2015. Presenter: Shih-Hsuan Mao. Method: A total of 20 normal adult ears were included in this study. Thirteen anthropometric measurements were taken, twice by two plastic surgeons using Direct Measurement (DM) and through images captured via 3dMD. The purpose was to…

A Morphable Profile Model of the Human Head as an Outcome Tool for Craniosynostosis Surgery, C Duncan, R Armstrong, NE Pears.

Date: September 15, 2015. Source: 16th Congress of International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS) 2015. Presenter: C Duncan. Introduction: Outcome analysis in craniosynostosis surgery is difficult and often relies on limited anthropometric measurement, qualitative analysis of photography or patient reported outcome. Quantifiable morphable models of the human face have been described but, to date, a…

This 4D scanner captures your unique bodily 'jiggle,' by Liat Clark.

Date: 11 August 15 Headline: This 4D scanner captures your unique bodily ‘jiggle’ by Liat Clark Source: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2015-08/11/modelling-body-fat-jiggle-in-4d The future avatars we embody will show every lump, bump and jiggle of our soft human flesh – and you have tech to thank. A team at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) has developed…

Preliminary clinic study on computer assisted mandibular reconstruction: the positive role of surgical navigation technique. JW Huang, XF Shan, XG Lu, ZG Cai.

Date: July 2015. Source: Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2015, 37:20. Background: The objectives of the present study were to investigate the reliability and outcomes of computer-assisted techniques in mandibular reconstruction with a fibula flap and verify whether the surgical navigation system was feasible in mandible reconstructive surgery. Methods: Eight cases were enrolled in the…