Three-dimensional evaluation of unilateral cleft rhinoplasty results. TK Dixon, BP Caughlin, N Munaretto, DM Toriumi.

Date: April 2013 Source: Facial Plastic Surgery.; 29(2): 106-15. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1341588. Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) imaging is a relatively new method of objectively evaluating surgical results, allowing the surgeon to accurately measure postsurgical changes with little inconvenience to the patient. Its accuracy and reliability has been consistently demonstrated in the literature. This article describes updated methods…

3dMD is awarded Phase II of STTR Grant with UNC at Chapel Hill for a Dynamic 4D Facial Soft Tissue Analysis System.

Date: November 2012 Source: Press Announcement Headline: 3dMD is awarded Phase II of STTR Grant No. 2R42DE019742-02 with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Co-Principal Investigator Dr Carroll Ann Trotman, for a Dynamic 4D Facial Soft Tissue Analysis System. Atlanta (21-November-12): 3dMD, the 3D surface imaging system and software developer who has actively supported…

Application of 3dMD Photogrammetric System for Classification of Hemifacial Microsomia: a Pilot Study. SY SHEN, PF XIN, JW DAI XD WANG, GF SHEN.

Date: November 2012. Source: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; 22(4): pp 261-264. Objective: To introduce a new type of measurement and diagnosis system for classification and treatment planning for hemifacial microsomias. Methods: 14 hemifacial microsomia patients were recruited in this study. Their measurement of volume captured and calculated by 3dMD photogrammetric system were evaluated.…

Three-Dimensional Analysis of Facial Asymmetry of Healthy Hispanic Caucasian Children. J Lee, B Ku, AC Da Silveira, MK Markey.

Date: October 16-17, 2012 Source: 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012, Lugano, Switzerland Abstract: The objective of this study was to conduct a quantitative analysis of facial asymmetry of healthy Hispanic Caucasian children residing in Central Texas, USA. 3D facial surface images of healthy Hispanic Caucasian participants (41 boys, 39 girls) currently…

Semi-Automated Registration of 3D Torso Images from Breast Reconstruction Surgery. LJ Zhao, SK Shah, GP Reece, MA Crosby, EK Beahm, MC Fingeret, MK Markey, FA Merchant.

Date: October 16-17, 2012 Source: 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012, Lugano, Switzerland. Abstract: The applications for three-dimensional (3D) scanners in breast reconstruction surgery, which is a multi-step process lasting at times 2-3 years are increasing. In order to quantify changes occurring in the reconstructed breasts over time, it is necessary to…

Correlation between structural and color changes in 3D facial images of head and neck cancer patients following reconstructive surgery. J Lee, G Muralidhar, AC Bovik, MC Fingeret, MK Markey.

Date: June 27-30,2012. Source: 26th Annual International Congress of Computer Assisted Radiology (CARS) in Pisa, Italy. Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between change in the structural and color components of the face of patients suffering from head and neck cancer following reconstructive surgery. Results: The observed correlation coefficient (0.594) was statistically significantly different from zero…

Assessment of rhinoplasty techniques by overlay of before-and-after 3D images. DM Toriumi, T Dixon.

Date: November 2011. Source: 3D Imaging Technologies for Facial Plastic Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Volume 19, Number 4, Pages 712-723. Abstract: This article describes the equipment and software used to create facial 3D imaging and discusses the validation and reliability of the objective assessments done using this equipment. By overlaying preoperative…

Image Fusion in Preoperative Planning. SA Schendel, KS Duncan, CR Lane.

Date: November 2011. Source: 3D Imaging Technologies for Facial Plastic Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol 19, Issue 4 , Pages 577-590. Abstract: This article presents a comprehensive overview of generating a digital Patient-Specific Anatomic Reconstruction (PSAR) model of the craniofacial complex as the foundation for a more objective surgical planning platform.…

Facial dimensions of Malay children with repaired unilateral cleft lip and palate: a three dimensional analysis. M Zreaqat, R Hassan, AS Halim.

Date: June 2012. Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; 41(6):783-8. Abstract: This comparative cross-sectional study assessed the facial surface dimensions of a group of Malay children with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) and compared them with a control group. 30 Malay children with UCLP aged 8–10 years and 30 unaffected age-matched children…

BBC News: London's Science Museum to scan visitors' faces in 3D

Date: 17 January 2012. Source: BBC News: Article: Visitors to London’s Science Museum are being invited to have their faces scanned in 3D. The Me in 3D stand at the museum uses a series of cameras to build a virtual image visitors can then view and manipulate. Data from participants will be used by…