Recurrence of the Anterior Open Bite After Orthognathic Surgery: 3D Analysis of Dental, Soft Tissue, Skeletal and Airway Changes in Unraveling the Aetiology of Relapse. Suttorp et al.

Date: December 2018. Source: Oral Health Case Reports 2018, 4:2, DOI: 10.4172/2471-8726.1000148. Abstract: Several treatment approaches have been used to correct anterior open bites, but high relapse rates are reported. This report shows the orthognathic surgical correction of a severe anterior open bite of a 23 years old woman with a mouth breathing habit. Although…

Nasolabial shape differences and esthetics in unilateral cleft lip and palate: A comparison of nasolabial shape using a mean 3D facial template. MA Kuijpers, TJ Maal, JW Meulstee, CE Carels, EM Bronkhorst, SJ Bergé, PS Fudalej.

Date: November 2018. Source: 3D imaging in patients with orofacial clefts. Chapter 6. Objective: To determine the amount of deviation in nasolabial shape in patients with a cleft, compared with an average non-cleft face, and assess whether this difference was related to nasolabial esthetics. Methods: 3D stereophotogrammetric images of 60 patients with a unilateral cleft…

Anatomic approximation approach to correction of transverse facial clefts. RW Tse, RJ Knight, DM Fisher.

Date: November 2018. Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Volume 71, Issue 11, pp 1600-1608. Abstract: Transverse clefts of the oral cavity have significant impacts on both appearance and function. Many methods of repair have been described, but there is no consensus on optimal approach. In addition, dissatisfaction with scars, distortion of appearance,…

Potential of 3D Surface Imaging for Quantitative Analysis of Fat Grafting. MK Markey, F Merchant, GP Reece et al.

Date: October 2018. Source: 9th 3DBODY.TECH Conference and Expo. October 16-17, 2018. Lugano, Switzerland, USA. Presenter: Mia K Markey Session: Technical Session 3: 3D Face & Body Scanning in Medicine Abstract: Autologous fat grafting is increasingly employed to address volume asymmetry and contour irregularity following breast reconstruction for breast cancer. However, there are no well-established…

Both the Observer’s Expertise and the Subject’s Facial Symmetry Can Affect Anatomical Position of the Head. PH Sutton, J Gateno, JD English, J Paranilam, JF Teichgraeber, JJ Xia.

Date: October 2018. Source: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Purpose: It is easier for us to judge facial deformity when the patient’s head is in anatomic position. The purposes of this study were to determine: 1) if a group of expert observers agree more than a group of non-experts on what is the correct…

Regression of cephalic index following endoscopic repair of sagittal synostosis. NA Pickersgill, GB Skolnick, SD Naidoo, MD Smyth, KB Patel.

Date: October 2018. Source: Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics [Online Before Print]. Objective: Metrics used to quantify preoperative severity and postoperative outcomes for patients with sagittal synostosis include cephalic index (CI), the well-known standard, and the recently described adjusted cephalic index (aCI), which accounts for altered euryon location. This study tracks the time course of these…

Applications and limitations of using patient-specific 3D printed molds in autologous breast reconstruction. S Hummelink, AC Verhulst, TJJ Maal, DJO Ulrich.

Date: October 2018. Source: European Journal of Plastic Surgery, Volume 41, Issue 5, pp 571–576. Background: Over the last years, several techniques have been proposed to improve the outcome of autologous breast reconstruction procedures. One of these innovations describes patient-specific, three-dimensional (3D) printed breast molds for intraoperative use based on 3D stereophotogrammetry. In this article,…

A scale space approach for exploring structure in spherical data. V Vuollo, L Holmström.

Date: September 2018. Source: Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Volume 125, pp 57-69. Highlights: • A novel scale space technique for analyzing spherical data is proposed. • Distributions of normal vector directions computed from a 3dMDhead image are analyzed. • A movie is a convenient way to explore the maps included in a SphereSiZer atlas.…

Development of three-dimensional facial expression models using morphing methods for fabricating facial prostheses. A Matsuoka, F Yoshioka, S Ozawa, J Takebe.

Date: September 2018. Source: Journal of Prosthodontic Research. Purpose: It is essential to fabricate a best-fit three-dimensional (3D) facial prosthesis model capable of facial expressions. In order for the facial prosthesis to remain in position, especially around marginal areas subject to movement, a new method of making 3D facial expression models using time-series data allowing…

Non-radiographic severity measurement of pectus excavatum. DP Bliss Jr, NA Vaughan, RM Walk, JA Naiditch, AA Kane, RR Hallac.

Date: September 2018 [Online Before Print]. Source: Journal of Surgical Research, Volume 233, pp 376-380. Background: o avoid the radiation exposure of CT imaging and the expense of CT or MRI studies, we sought to develop a non-radiographic severity measurement of pectus excavatum based on 3D photogrammetric imaging. Methods: Over 28 mo, ten consecutive patient…