Both the Observer’s Expertise and the Subject’s Facial Symmetry Can Affect Anatomical Position of the Head. PH Sutton, J Gateno, JD English, J Paranilam, JF Teichgraeber, JJ Xia.

Date: October 2018. Source: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Purpose: It is easier for us to judge facial deformity when the patient’s head is in anatomic position. The purposes of this study were to determine: 1) if a group of expert observers agree more than a group of non-experts on what is the correct…

Esthetic evaluation of facial cheek volume: A study using 3D stereophotogrammetry, J Feng, HY Yu, YJ Yin, YQ Yan, Z Wang, D Bai, XL Han.

Date: October 2018. Source: The Angle Orthodontist. Objective: To investigate the influence of cheek volume on facial esthetics judged by orthodontists and non-specialists. Materials and Methods: A 25-year-old female’s natural and smiling face was captured by 3D stereophotogrammetry. Cheek volume of the 3dMD image was altered to different degrees three-dimensionally. For the natural and smiling…

Regression of cephalic index following endoscopic repair of sagittal synostosis. NA Pickersgill, GB Skolnick, SD Naidoo, MD Smyth, KB Patel.

Date: October 2018. Source: Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics [Online Before Print]. Objective: Metrics used to quantify preoperative severity and postoperative outcomes for patients with sagittal synostosis include cephalic index (CI), the well-known standard, and the recently described adjusted cephalic index (aCI), which accounts for altered euryon location. This study tracks the time course of these…

Applications and limitations of using patient-specific 3D printed molds in autologous breast reconstruction. S Hummelink, AC Verhulst, TJJ Maal, DJO Ulrich.

Date: October 2018. Source: European Journal of Plastic Surgery, Volume 41, Issue 5, pp 571–576. Background: Over the last years, several techniques have been proposed to improve the outcome of autologous breast reconstruction procedures. One of these innovations describes patient-specific, three-dimensional (3D) printed breast molds for intraoperative use based on 3D stereophotogrammetry. In this article,…