Multiscale Mechano-Biological Finite Element Modelling of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery—Numerical Study towards Surgical Planning and Cosmetic Outcome Prediction. Vavourakis V, Eiben B, Hipwell JH, Williams NR, Keshtgar M, Hawkes DJ.

Date: July 2016 Source: PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159766. Abstract: Surgical treatment for early-stage breast carcinoma primarily necessitates breast conserving therapy (BCT), where the tumour is removed while preserving the breast shape. To date, there have been very few attempts to develop accurate and efficient computational tools that could be used in the clinical environment for…

New expert panel hoping to unlock mysteries of undiagnosed diseases.

Date: 23 Jul 2016, 10:23p Source: ABC News Australia Author: Claire Moodie Jessica’s mystery disease tackled by expert panel The family of a Perth girl is cautiously hoping a panel of experts will be able to diagnose the mystery condition which has baffled the 11-year-old’s doctors for years. 190,000 West Australians affected by rare diseases.…

Effects of rapid maxillary expansion on facial soft tissues. F Dindaroğlu, GS Duran, S Görgülü.

Date: July 2016. Source: Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics / Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie, Volume 77, Issue 4, pp 242–250. Objective: Changes in soft tissue in various morphological regions of the face immediately after rapid maxillary expansion (RME) were examined using three-dimensional (3D) deviation analyses. Patients and Methods: A total of 50 patients were included in the…

Evaluation of the effects of the low-level laser therapy on swelling, pain, and trismus after removal of impacted lower third molar. H Alan, Ü Yolcu, M Koparal, C Özgür, SA Öztürk, D Malkoç.

Date: July 2016 Source: Head & Face Medicine Background: In current study we aimed to examine the effect of a low-level laser therapy on the pain, mouth opening and swelling of patients whose impacted 3rd molar tooth was extracted in addition measurement volumetrically to the edema with 3dMDface system. Methods: It was surveyed 15 patients…

A first look inside the new facility where Under Armour creates athletic apparel of the future. Business Insider.

Date: July 8, 2016. Source: Business Insider. Summary: Under Armour’s new innovation lab, the Lighthouse, is a state-of-the art facility to create and test the next generation of athletic products. It will also create new capabilities for faster and more efficient manufacturing.

Latest 3dMDbody.t System (7fps) demonstrated by customer at ISEA 2016 in Delft.

Date: July 2016 Source: 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association. Delft, The Netherlands. Activity: The latest-generation dynamic 3dMDbody.t System (7fps) located in the Industrial Design Engineering School, TU Delft, a long-standing 3dMD customer, was demonstrated to delegates participating in the 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association.

3D Workflows in Orthodontics, Maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics. Wicher J. van der Meer.

Date: 2016 Source: PhD Thesis Abstract: 3D workflows should result in clinical procedures that help clinicians to get better results with less effort and at lower costs. In other words, the 3D technology should make complex and difficult clinical procedures simpler and easier with reduced costs for healthcare. If 3D workflows are available with a…

Under Armour Opens UA Lighthouse Manufacturing And Design Leadership Center In The Brand’s Hometown Of Baltimore. [3dMD is a best-in-class Lighthouse Development Partner.]

Date: June 28, 2016. Source: Under Armour, Inc. distributed via PR Newswire. Headline: Under Armour Opens UA Lighthouse Manufacturing And Design Leadership Center In The Brand’s Hometown Of Baltimore. State-of-the-art Facility in the USA to Serve as the Epicenter for Product and Process Innovation. BALTIMORE, June 28, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Under Armour (NYSE: UA,…

Under Armour's new innovation lab has sneaker-making robots and high-tech body scanners. Tech Insider.

Date: June 28, 2016 Source: Tech Insider. By Leanna Garfield Headline: The process of making athletic shoes and clothing has changed very little in the last half-century. Apart from industrial-sized machines that speed up production, many factories’ operations look pretty similar. Under Armour wants to reinvent the process in its giant design and manufacturing test…