Three-dimensional video recordings: Accuracy, reliability, clinical and research guidelines – Reliability assessment of a 4D camera. G Coppola, D Hänggi, G Cassina, C Verna, N Gkantidis, G Kanavakis.

The accuracy of movement recordings was excellent at all speeds (60, 30 and 15 fps), with variability in MAD values consistently being less than 1 mm. The reliability of the camera recordings was excellent at all recording speeds.

3D extraoral morphometric changes after implant surgery: an exploratory pilot study using stereophotogrammetry. P Ercal, E Calciolari, R Patel, L Zou, N Mardas, N Donos.

There was a longitudinal decrease in soft tissue volume and depth difference in extraoral soft tissues in the region of implant placement after surgery up to 6 weeks. The use of a facial scanner is a promising noninvasive method to monitor 3D morphometric changes after implant surgery.

Prospective cohort study on facial profile changes in infants with Robin sequence and healthy controls. C Wiechers, J Sowula, K Kreutzer, et al.

For infants up to age three months, 3D images were performed in our neonatal intermediate care unit in the supine position using a 10Hz 3dMDface.t System with this set-up being developed specifically for this study. Subsequently, 3D images were taken in an upright position with infants sitting on their parent’s lap in the department of orthodontics using a 10Hz 3dMDtrio.t system.