Analysis of Characteristic Facial Features in Patients with Hypodontia using Three-Dimensional Imaging. S Ani, J Collins, S Cunningham, C Ruff.

Date: September 2015. Source: 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015, London. Study Aims: To analyse the facial features associated with hypodontia using 3D surface imaging and establish the effect of its severity on facial morphology. Method: A study group of 70 hypodontia patients and a control group of 40 Class I patients were recruited to allow…

Evaluation of Nasal Soft Tissue Changes in a Newborn with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Before and After Nasoalveolar Molding Using a Three-Dimensional System. F Ozturk, E Cakir, SA Ozturk, E Hatunoglu.

Date: September 2015. Source: 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015, London. Introduction: The pre-surgical nasoalveolar molding (PNAM) treatment protocol for cleft patients has been described by Grayson et al. (1993), Brecht et al. (1995), and Cutting et al. (1998). Pre-surgical nasal molding produces tissue expansion of the columella and nasal lining. The purpose of this case…

Evaluating 3-Dimensional Soft Tissue Changes in Class III Chinese Patients after Orthognathic Surgery. JX Su, M Yow, MT Chew, HC Wong.

Date: September 2015. Source: 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015, London. Aim: To evaluate facial soft tissue changes in Class III skeletal Chinese patients who have undergone orthognathic surgery. Objective. To determine if there is a correlation between hard and soft tissue movement after orthognathic surgery. Study Design: This is a retrospective study involving 15 Chinese…

Assessment of the effects of different rapid maxillary expansion appliances on facial soft tissues using three-dimensional imaging, S Altındiş, E Toy, FA Başçiftçi.

Date: September 18, 2015. Source: Angle Orthodontist [Epub]. Objective: To determine three-dimensional (3D) effects of three different rapid maxillary expansion (RME) appliances on facial soft tissues. Materials and Methods: Forty-two children (18 boys, 24 girls) who required RME treatment were included in this study. Patients were randomly divided into three equal groups: banded RME, acrylic…

Precision of 3dMD in Anthropometry of the Auricle and its Application in Microtia Reconstruction, SH Mao, ZC Chen.

Date: September 17, 2015. Source: 16th Congress of International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS) 2015. Presenter: Shih-Hsuan Mao. Method: A total of 20 normal adult ears were included in this study. Thirteen anthropometric measurements were taken, twice by two plastic surgeons using Direct Measurement (DM) and through images captured via 3dMD. The purpose was to…

Facial Scanning With a Digital Camera: A Novel Way of Screening for Primary Angle Closure. HKY Choi, W Lin, SC Loon, C Tan, W Wong, J See, Z Gu, CK Kwoh, P Chew.

Date: September 2015 Source: Journal of Glaucoma, Volume 24 – Issue 7 – p 522–526. Purpose: We hypothesize that patients with primary angle closure (PAC) have common significant facial characteristics that set them apart from an age-matched, sex-matched, and race-matched control population. The primary objective of this study was to test whether a 3-dimensional (3D)…

Analysis of a 3D Anthropometric Data Set of Children for Design Applications. L Goto, W Lee, Y Song, J Molenbroek, R Goossens.

Date: August 2015 Source: Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2015), Melbourne, Australia. Abstract: Designers integrate the use of anthropometric data in their design process to optimize the usability and functioning of a product while improving comfort and safety. Information regarding the size and shape of the human body are important…

Preliminary clinic study on computer assisted mandibular reconstruction: the positive role of surgical navigation technique. JW Huang, XF Shan, XG Lu, ZG Cai.

Date: July 2015. Source: Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2015, 37:20. Background: The objectives of the present study were to investigate the reliability and outcomes of computer-assisted techniques in mandibular reconstruction with a fibula flap and verify whether the surgical navigation system was feasible in mandible reconstructive surgery. Methods: Eight cases were enrolled in the…

Craniofacial Image Analysis. E Mercan, I Atmosukarto, J Wu, S Liang, LG Shapiro.

Date: July 2015. Source: Health Monitoring and Personalized Feedback using Multimedia Data. Springer. Abstract: Craniofacial researchers have used anthropometric measurements taken directly on the human face for research and medical practice for decades. With the advancements in 3D imaging technologies, computational methods have been developed for the diagnoses of craniofacial syndromes and the analysis of…

Development and Validation of a Clinical Assessment Tool for Platysmal Banding in Cervicomental Aesthetics of the Female Neck. S Gupta, N Biskup, G Mattison, A Leis.

Date: July 2015 Source: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 35, Issue 6, pp NP141-NP146. Background: In facial aesthetics, grading systems are useful tools for planning aesthetic procedures. One key component of rejuvenation—the anterior neck—has been relatively overlooked. In the 1980s, criteria were established for the appearance of a youthful neck. Considering the significant contribution of the…