The Menpo Benchmark for Multi-pose 2D and 3D Facial Landmark Localisation and Tracking. J Deng, A Roussos, G Chrysos et al.

Date: November 2019. Source: International Journal of Computer Vision, Volume 127, pages 599–624, Abstract: In this article, we present the Menpo 2D and Menpo 3D benchmarks, two new datasets for multi-pose 2D and 3D facial landmark localisation and tracking. In contrast to the previous benchmarks such as 300W and 300VW, the proposed benchmarks contain…

Synthesizing Facial Photometries and Corresponding Geometries Using Generative Adversarial Networks. G Shamai, R Slossberg, R Kimmel.

Date: October 2019. Source: ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, Article No.: 87 Abstract: Artificial data synthesis is currently a well-studied topic with useful applications in data science, computer vision, graphics, and many other fields. Generating realistic data is especially challenging, since human perception is highly sensitive to non-realistic appearance. In recent…

Capture, Learning, and Synthesis of 3D Speaking Styles. D Cudeiro, T Bolkart, C Laidlaw, A Ranjan, MJ Black.

Date: June 2019. Source: 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Long Beach, CA, USA. Proceedings Page(s): 10093-10103. Abstract: Audio-driven 3D facial animation has been widely explored, but achieving realistic, human-like performance is still unsolved. This is due to the lack of available 3D datasets, models, and standard evaluation metrics. To address…

Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision. S Sanyal, T Bolkart, H Feng, MJ Black.

Date: June 2019. Source: 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Long Beach, CA, USA. Proceedings Page(s): 7755-7764. Abstract: The estimation of 3D face shape from a single image must be robust to variations in lighting, head pose, expression, facial hair, makeup, and occlusions. Robustness requires a large training set of in-the-wild…

3DFaceGAN: Adversarial Nets for 3D Face Representation, Generation, and Translation. S Moschoglou, S Ploumpis, MA Nicolaou et al.

Date: May 2019. Source: International Journal of Computer Vision (2020). Abstract: Over the past few years, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have garnered increased interest among researchers in Computer Vision, with applications including, but not limited to, image generation, translation, imputation, and super-resolution. Nevertheless, no GAN-based method has been proposed in the literature that can…