BBC News: Cardiff University uses 3D scans to help facial surgery.

Date: 2 August 2013 Source: BBC News News: Cardiff University uses 3D scans to help facial surgery. Patients who need facial surgery and those recovering from strokes could benefit from world-leading research of analysing facial movements in 3D. Scientists at Cardiff University are using cutting-edge face scanners developed by American firm 3dMD. The technology can…

Cardiff Scientists and 3dMD Enter a New Dimension in 3D/4D Facial Imaging.

Anaheim, California (23-July-13): A team of Cardiff University clinicians and computer scientists can, for the first time, carry out facial movement research and transform the way patients needing facial surgery are assessed and monitored thanks to a new state-of-the-art 3D surface motion imaging system from 3dMD (3dMD exhibiting at #SIGGRAPH2013 Booth 226). Working alongside the…

3dMD is awarded Phase II of STTR Grant with UNC at Chapel Hill for a Dynamic 4D Facial Soft Tissue Analysis System.

Date: November 2012 Source: Press Announcement Headline: 3dMD is awarded Phase II of STTR Grant No. 2R42DE019742-02 with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Co-Principal Investigator Dr Carroll Ann Trotman, for a Dynamic 4D Facial Soft Tissue Analysis System. Atlanta (21-November-12): 3dMD, the 3D surface imaging system and software developer who has actively supported…

BBC Health. 3D Face Scan to Help Future Surgery.

Date: January 2012. Source: BBC Health. 3D face scan to help future surgery Article: Visitors to London’s Science Museum are being invited to have their faces scanned in 3D. The ‘Me in 3D’ exhibit uses an array of cameras to build a virtual image visitors can then view and manipulate. Data from the participants will…

BBC News: London's Science Museum to scan visitors' faces in 3D

Date: 17 January 2012. Source: BBC News: Article: Visitors to London’s Science Museum are being invited to have their faces scanned in 3D. The Me in 3D stand at the museum uses a series of cameras to build a virtual image visitors can then view and manipulate. Data from participants will be used by…

BBC News: 3D face scan to help future surgery.

Date: 17 January 2012. Source: BBC News: News Segment: 3D face scan to help future surgery. Visitors to London’s Science Museum are being invited to have their faces scanned in 3D. The ‘Me in 3D’ exhibit uses an array of cameras to build a virtual image visitors can then view and manipulate. Data from…

Announcement. See yourself in 3D at the London Science Museum.

Date: January 2012. Source: Press Announcement LONDON (3 January 2012) – How are our faces constructed? How does your face differ from other faces? What do you look like in another dimension? These questions will be explored in Me in 3D – a new event running from 11 January until 10 April, where visitors can…

3dMD is awarded Phase I of STTR Grant with UNC at Chapel Hill for a Dynamic 4D Facial Soft Tissue Analysis System.

Date: March 2011 Source: Press Announcement Headline: 3dMD is awarded Phase I of STTR Grant No. 1R41DE019742-01A1 with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Co-Principal Investigator Dr Carroll Ann Trotman, for a Dynamic 4D Facial Soft Tissue Analysis System. Atlanta (15-March-11): We are delighted to announce that 3dMD, working in conjunction with the Department of…

3dMD Captures ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings in 3D on ABC’s Primetime Live

Date: Thursday, January 20, 2005 at 10 pm. Source: ABC Primetime Live Excerpt from: “Peter Jennings Reporting: No Place to Hide” The segment starts with Mr Jennings getting his image captured with 3dMD’s system. His 3D image processes and is prominently displayed on the 3dMDface System, while Dr Joseph Atick gives his viewpoint on today’s…