3dMD Announces the Next Generation of Downstream Dynamic-4D Image Analysis Software.
3dMD’s natural software evolution to more sophisticated dynamic-4D image analysis, landmark detection, and feature tracking capabilities.
Training AI, Wearing Tech,
and Imaging Health.
3dMD’s natural software evolution to more sophisticated dynamic-4D image analysis, landmark detection, and feature tracking capabilities.
A deep learning-based approach for automated landmark extraction from 3dMD facial photographs was developed and its precision was evaluated. The results showed high precision and consistency in landmark annotation, comparable to manual and semi-automatic annotation methods.
3dMD facial images and deep transfer learning have been firstly combined for evaluating the facial attractiveness in patients undergoing Orthognathic surgery.
The 3dMDface system was used to capture the nasolabial morphology of the individuals.
We present a fully automated pipeline to identify craniofacial landmarks in real time, and we use it to assess the head shape of patients with craniosynostosis using 3D photogrammetry.
Infants received 3dMD scans at 2 months of age, at clinical resolution of their head shape, and at 12 months of age. If their head shape was not resolved by 12 months of age, they received only two 3dMD scans (at 2 and 12 months of age).
We recently used surface imaging modalities to develop regional measures quantifying elongation in the frontal bossing index and occipital bullet index.
Quantitative measures of severity transcend cleft type and can be used to grade clinical severity.
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The authors found that, at school age, endoscopic repair produced a clinically meaningful and significantly greater improvement in anthropometric outcomes compared with open repair.