The Use of Pseudo-landmarks for Craniofacial Analysis: A Comparative Study with L1 Regularized Logistic Regression. E Mercan; L Shapiro; S Weinberg; SI Lee.

Date: July 2013. Source: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual Conference. Abstract: Morphometrics, the quantitative analysis of shape, is used by craniofacial researchers to study abnormalities in human face shapes. Most of the work in craniofacial morphometrics uses landmark points that are manually marked on 3D face data and processed via a generalized…

The facial evolution: looking backward and moving forward. G Baynam, M Walters, P Claes, S Kung, P LeSouef, H Dawkins, D Gillett, J Goldblatt.

Date: January 2013. Source: Human Mutation; 34(1): pp 14-22. Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) facial analysis is ideal for high-resolution, nonionizing, noninvasive objective, high-throughput phenotypic, and phenomic studies. It is a natural complement to (epi)genetic technologies to facilitate advances in the understanding of rare and common diseases. The face is uniquely reflective of the primordial tissues, and…

3D comparison of average faces in subjects with oral clefts. I Bugaighis, B Tiddeman, CR Mattick and R Hobson

Date: November 2012 Source: European Journal of Orthodontics Abstract: This prospective cross-sectional, case-controlled morphometric study assessed three dimensional (3D) facial morphological differences between average faces of 103 children aged 8-12 years; 40 with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP), 23 with unilateral cleft lip and alveolus (UCLA), 19 with bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP),…

Collecting Large Scale Anthropometric Samples Around the World. CR Lane.

Date: October 16-17, 2012 Source: 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012, Lugano, Switzerland Abstract: During the past 12 months there has been a major focus on collecting large databases of human faces to use as a comparative foundation for patients undergoing corrective intervention. Sometimes referred to as ‘normatives,’ the mass collection of…

BBC News: London's Science Museum to scan visitors' faces in 3D

Date: 17 January 2012. Source: BBC News: Article: Visitors to London’s Science Museum are being invited to have their faces scanned in 3D. The Me in 3D stand at the museum uses a series of cameras to build a virtual image visitors can then view and manipulate. Data from participants will be used by…

BBC News: 3D face scan to help future surgery.

Date: 17 January 2012. Source: BBC News: News Segment: 3D face scan to help future surgery. Visitors to London’s Science Museum are being invited to have their faces scanned in 3D. The ‘Me in 3D’ exhibit uses an array of cameras to build a virtual image visitors can then view and manipulate. Data from…

Digital Stereophotogrammetry as a New Technique to Quantify Truncal Deformity: A Pilot Study in Persons with Osteogenesis Imperfecta. LR Gabor, AP Chamberlin, E Levy, M Perry, H Cintas, SM Paul.

Date: October 2011. Source: American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; 90(10): 844–850. Abstract: The objective of this pilot study was to determine the usability of stereophotogrammetry (SP) as a non-invasive technique for obtaining linear measures and anatomical data of the torso in people with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) in comparison to clinical observations. Ten participants…

3dMD Captures ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings in 3D on ABC’s Primetime Live

Date: Thursday, January 20, 2005 at 10 pm. Source: ABC Primetime Live Excerpt from: “Peter Jennings Reporting: No Place to Hide” The segment starts with Mr Jennings getting his image captured with 3dMD’s system. His 3D image processes and is prominently displayed on the 3dMDface System, while Dr Joseph Atick gives his viewpoint on today’s…

3dMD Customer Arizona State University Enrolls More Than 500 Subjects for Biometrics Analysis and Authentication Research During SIGGRAPH 2004

Date: August 2004. Source: Press Announcement. Headline: 3dMD Customer Arizona State University Enrolls More Than 500 Subjects for Biometrics Analysis and Authentication Research During SIGGRAPH 2004 Atlanta (13-August-2004): 3dMD, the world’s market leader in ultra-fast 3D surface imaging, today announced its customer’s success of scanning more than 500 faces at SIGGRAPH to build an extensive…