Image Fusion in Preoperative Planning. SA Schendel, KS Duncan, CR Lane.

Date: November 2011. Source: 3D Imaging Technologies for Facial Plastic Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol 19, Issue 4 , Pages 577-590. Abstract: This article presents a comprehensive overview of generating a digital Patient-Specific Anatomic Reconstruction (PSAR) model of the craniofacial complex as the foundation for a more objective surgical planning platform.…

Facial dimensions of Malay children with repaired unilateral cleft lip and palate: a three dimensional analysis. M Zreaqat, R Hassan, AS Halim.

Date: June 2012. Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; 41(6):783-8. Abstract: This comparative cross-sectional study assessed the facial surface dimensions of a group of Malay children with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) and compared them with a control group. 30 Malay children with UCLP aged 8–10 years and 30 unaffected age-matched children…

Thesis: Sexual Dimorphism in Soft Tissue Facial Form as captured by Digital Three-Dimensional Photogrammetry. SB Lim

Date: June 2012. Source: University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine, Master’s Thesis. Abstract: Sexual dimorphism in the head and neck area is a particular interest to orthodontists who manipulate the underlying hard tissue in order to alter the overlaying soft tissue. Hard tissue differences between the sexes have been well documented in the literature…

Combining Conebeam Computed Tomographs, Digital Study Models and Three-Dimensional Photography. M Dalstra, TK Pedersen, B Melsen

Date(s): June 18-23, 2012. Source: 88th Congress EOS 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Presentation: Combining Conebeam Computed Tomographs, Digital Study Models, and Three-Dimensional Photography. Authors: M Dalstra, TK Pedersen, B Melsen, Department of Orthodontics, Aarhus University, Denmark.

One year postoperative hard and soft tissue volumetric changes after a BSSO mandibular advancement. TJJ Maal, MJJ de Koning, JM Plooij, LM Verhamme, FA Rangel, SJ Bergé, WA Borstlap.

Date: May 2012 Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Volume 41(9), pp 1137-45. Abstract: In this study, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and three dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetry are used to compare the 3D skeletal and soft tissue changes caused by a bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) 1 year after a mandibular advancement. Eighteen…

Statistical modelling of lip movement in the clinical context. H Popat, AI Zhurov, AM Toma, S Richmond, D Marshall, PL Rosin.

Date: May 2012. Source: Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research; Volume 15, Issue 2, pp 92–102. Objective: To establish three-dimensional (3D) reference data on average lip movement in normal healthy subjects using statistical shape analysis techniques. Setting and Sample Population: School of Dentistry and Cardiff School of Computer Science, Cardiff University, United Kingdom. One hundred and fifteen…

Evaluation of direct and indirect additive manufacture of maxillofacial prostheses. D Eggbeer, R Bibb, P Evans, L Ji

Date: April 2012. Source: Journal Of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 226 no. 9 718-728. Abstract: The efficacy of computer-aided technologies in the design and manufacture of maxillofacial prostheses has not been fully proven. This paper presents research into the evaluation of direct and indirect additive manufacture of a maxillofacial prosthesis against conventional laboratory-based techniques. An…

Three-dimensional stereophotogrammetrical analysis of peristomal fixation of adhesive base plates during hands-free speech among laryngectomised patients related to tracheostoma volumes. R Dirven, Y Wouters, R Vreeken, TJJ Maal, HAM Marres.

Date: April 2012. Source: Clinical Otolaryngology; Volume 37, pp 124–129. Objective: This study evaluates the relation between stoma volumes by means of objective three-dimensional measurements of laryngectomised individuals and peristomal fixation of adhesive baseplates during hands-free speech. Design: A three-dimensional stereophotogrammetrical image was captured of the tracheostoma and its surrounding tissue for each participant. The…

Shape-Based Classification of 3D Facial Data to Support 22q11.2DS Craniofacial Research. K Wilamowska, J Wu, C Heike and L Shapiro

Date: March 2012 Source: Journal of Digital Imaging, Volume 25, Number 3 (2012), 400-408. Abstract: 3D imaging systems are used to construct high-resolution meshes of patient’s heads that can be analyzed by computer algorithms. Our work starts with such 3D head meshes and produces both global and local descriptors of 3D shape. Since these descriptors…