Three-dimensional evaluation of the alar cinch suture after Le Fort I osteotomy. B van Loon, L Verhamme, T Xi, MJJ de Koning, SJ Bergé, TJJ Maal.

Date: October 2016. Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Volume 45, Issue 10, Pages 1309–1314. Abstract: Orthognathic surgery has an influence on the overlying soft tissues of the translated bony maxillomandibular complex. Improvements in both function and facial appearance are the goals of surgery. However, unwanted changes to the soft tissues, especially in…

Novel Three-Dimensional Understanding of Maxillary Cleft Distraction. SM Vaughan, CH Kau, PD Waite.

Date: September 2016. Source: Journal of Craniofacial Surgery: Volume 27 – Issue 6 – p 1462–1464. Objective: To set forth a universal standard methodology for quantifying volumetric and linear changes in the craniofacial complex, utilizing three-dimensional data captured from a cleft-lip palate patient who underwent rigid external device (RED) distraction. Methods: Cone beam computed tomography…

Measuring Symmetry in Children With Cleft Lip. Part 3: Quantifying Nasal Symmetry and Nasal Normalcy Before and After Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair. S Liang, L Shapiro, R Tse.

Date: October 2016 (Online). Source: The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. Objective: The purpose of this project was to develop objective computer-based methods to measure nasal asymmetry and abnormality in children undergoing treatment of unilateral cleft lip (UCL) and to determine the correlation of these measures to clinical expectations. Participants: Thirty infants with UCL undergoing cleft lip…

Quantification of facial asymmetry: A comparative study of landmark-based and surface-based registrations. T Verhoeven, T Xic, R Schreurs, S Bergé, TJJ Maal.

Date: September 2016. Source: Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Volume 44, Issue 9, Pages 1131–1136. Objective: To compare the validity and reproducibility of four different methods for the quantification of soft tissue facial asymmetry. Methods: Twenty 3D-photographs were randomly selected from the healthy control database. To assess the validity of the one landmark-based and three surface-based…

Effects of rapid maxillary expansion on facial soft tissues. F Dindaroğlu, GS Duran, S Görgülü.

Date: July 2016. Source: Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics / Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie, Volume 77, Issue 4, pp 242–250. Objective: Changes in soft tissue in various morphological regions of the face immediately after rapid maxillary expansion (RME) were examined using three-dimensional (3D) deviation analyses. Patients and Methods: A total of 50 patients were included in the…

Evaluation of the effects of the low-level laser therapy on swelling, pain, and trismus after removal of impacted lower third molar. H Alan, Ü Yolcu, M Koparal, C Özgür, SA Öztürk, D Malkoç.

Date: July 2016 Source: Head & Face Medicine Background: In current study we aimed to examine the effect of a low-level laser therapy on the pain, mouth opening and swelling of patients whose impacted 3rd molar tooth was extracted in addition measurement volumetrically to the edema with 3dMDface system. Methods: It was surveyed 15 patients…

3D Workflows in Orthodontics, Maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics. Wicher J. van der Meer.

Date: 2016 Source: PhD Thesis Abstract: 3D workflows should result in clinical procedures that help clinicians to get better results with less effort and at lower costs. In other words, the 3D technology should make complex and difficult clinical procedures simpler and easier with reduced costs for healthcare. If 3D workflows are available with a…

3D Facial Effects of a Simulated Dental Build-up. BAMM Sterenborg, TJJ Maal, RD Vreeken, BAC Loomans, MCDNJM Huysmans.

Date: June 2016. Source: J Esthet Restor Dent 28:397–404. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the 3D-stereophotogrammetry technique to detect differences in facial appearance after a simulated rehabilitation. Materials and Methods: Eleven volunteers without tooth wear participated. A 3D-stereophotograph was taken in five different situations: resting position, teeth in occlusion, and teeth…

An excellent navigation system and experience in craniomaxillofacial navigation surgery: a double-center study. Dai, J. et al.

Date: June 2016. Source: Scientific Reports 6, 28242; doi: 10.1038/srep28242. Abstract: Numerous problems regarding craniomaxillofacial navigation surgery are not well understood. In this study, we performed a double-center clinical study to quantitatively evaluate the characteristics of our navigation system and experience in craniomaxillofacial navigation surgery. Fifty-six patients with craniomaxillofacial disease were included and randomly divided…

Multimodal Image Registration for Mandible Motion Tracking. AA Tomaka, M Tarnawski, D Pojda.

Date: May 2016 Source: Information Technologies in Medicine, Volume 471 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp 179-191. Abstract: The analysis of the condyle position in temporomandibular joint is crucial issue in differential diagnosis of bruxism and centric relation/maximal intercuspidation discrepancy or other temporomandibular joint disorders. The matter of importance are both…