Multiscale Mechano-Biological Finite Element Modelling of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery—Numerical Study towards Surgical Planning and Cosmetic Outcome Prediction. Vavourakis V, Eiben B, Hipwell JH, Williams NR, Keshtgar M, Hawkes DJ.

Date: July 2016 Source: PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159766. Abstract: Surgical treatment for early-stage breast carcinoma primarily necessitates breast conserving therapy (BCT), where the tumour is removed while preserving the breast shape. To date, there have been very few attempts to develop accurate and efficient computational tools that could be used in the clinical environment for…

Effects of rapid maxillary expansion on facial soft tissues. F Dindaroğlu, GS Duran, S Görgülü.

Date: July 2016. Source: Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics / Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie, Volume 77, Issue 4, pp 242–250. Objective: Changes in soft tissue in various morphological regions of the face immediately after rapid maxillary expansion (RME) were examined using three-dimensional (3D) deviation analyses. Patients and Methods: A total of 50 patients were included in the…

An excellent navigation system and experience in craniomaxillofacial navigation surgery: a double-center study. Dai, J. et al.

Date: June 2016. Source: Scientific Reports 6, 28242; doi: 10.1038/srep28242. Abstract: Numerous problems regarding craniomaxillofacial navigation surgery are not well understood. In this study, we performed a double-center clinical study to quantitatively evaluate the characteristics of our navigation system and experience in craniomaxillofacial navigation surgery. Fifty-six patients with craniomaxillofacial disease were included and randomly divided…

Breast Conserving Surgery Outcome Prediction: A Patient-Specific, Integrated Multi-modal Imaging and Mechano-Biological Modelling Framework. Eiben B. et al.

Date: June 2016. Source: Tingberg A., Lång K., Timberg P. (eds) Breast Imaging. IWDM 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9699. Springer, Cham. Abstract: Patient-specific surgical predictions of Breast Conserving Therapy, through mechano-biological simulations, could inform the shared decision making process between clinicians and patients by enabling the impact of different surgical options to…

Hypertelorism and Orofacial Clefting Revisited: An Anthropometric Investigation. SM Weinberg, EJ Leslie, JT Hecht, GL Wehby, FWB Deleyiannis, LM Moreno, K Christensen, ML Marazita.

Date: June 2016. ONLINE AHEAD OF PRINT Source: The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. Objective: Since the 1960s, multiple studies have reported a tendency toward hypertelorism in individuals with nonsyndromic orofacial clefts (OFCs). However, the association between specific cleft types and increased interorbital distance has been inconsistent. Using three-dimensional (3D) surface imaging, we tested whether different forms…

Multimodal Image Registration for Mandible Motion Tracking. AA Tomaka, M Tarnawski, D Pojda.

Date: May 2016 Source: Information Technologies in Medicine, Volume 471 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp 179-191. Abstract: The analysis of the condyle position in temporomandibular joint is crucial issue in differential diagnosis of bruxism and centric relation/maximal intercuspidation discrepancy or other temporomandibular joint disorders. The matter of importance are both…

The MC1R Gene and Youthful Looks. F Liu, MA Hamer, J Deelen, JS Lall, L Jacobs, D van Heemst, PG Murray, A Wollstein, AJM de Craen, HW Uh, CQ Zeng, A Hofman, AG Uitterlinden, JJ Houwing-Duistermaat, LM Pardo, M Beekman, PE Slagboom, T Nijsten, M Kayser, DA Gunn.

Date: April 2016. Source: Current Biology, Volume 26, Issue 9, 9 May 2016, Pages 1213–1220. Highlights: • We present the first genetic associations with how old people look (perceived age) • Variants in MC1R, a pigmentation gene, significantly associated with perceived age • The MC1R association was independent of wrinkling, skin color, and sun exposure…

Infantile hemangioma status by dynamic infrared thermography: A preliminary study. SA Burkes, M Patel, DM Adams, AM Hammill, KP Eaton, RR Wickett, MO Visscher.

Date: April 2016. Source: International Journal of Dermatology. Background: Infantile hemangiomas (IH) are initially warm due to increased proliferation and perfusion then involute with apoptosis and reduced perfusion. Objective quantitative evaluation of IH treatment response is essential for improving outcomes. We applied a functional imaging method, dynamic infrared (IR) thermography, to investigate IH status versus…

Measuring Symmetry in Children With Unrepaired Cleft Lip: Defining a Standard for the Three-Dimensional Mid-facial Reference Plane. J Wu, C Heike, C Birgfeld, K Evans, M Maga, C Morrison, B Saltzman, L Shapiro, R Tse.

Date: March 2016 (Online ahead of print) Source: The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. Objective: Quantitative measures of facial form to evaluate treatment outcomes for cleft lip (CL) are currently limited. Computer-based analysis of three-dimensional (3D) images provides an opportunity for efficient and objective analysis. The purpose of this study was to define a computer-based standard of…

Reproducibility and reliability of three-dimensional soft tissue landmark identification using three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry. A Baysal, AO Sahan, MA Ozturk, T Uysal.

Date: February 2016 (ONLINE AHEAD OF PRINT). Source: Angle Orthodontist Objective: To evaluate the intraexaminer repeatability and interexaminer reproducibility of soft tissue landmarks on three-dimensional (3D) stereophogrammetric images. Materials and Methods: Thirty-four stereophotogrammetric images were taken and 19 soft tissue points were identified. The images were obtained using the 3dMDface (3dMD, Atlanta, USA) system. Two…