The Influence of Visual Perspective on Body Size Estimation in Immersive Virtual Reality. A Thaler, S Pujades, JK Stefanucci, SH Creem-Regehr, J Tesch, MJ Black, and BJ Mohler

Date: September 2019. Source: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2019, University of Barcelona, Spain. Abstract: The creation of realistic self-avatars that users identify with is important for many virtual reality applications. However, current approaches for creating biometrically plausible avatars that represent a particular individual require expertise and are time-consuming. We investigated the visual perception of…

Do commonly available round facemasks fit near-term and term infants? B Haase, AM Badinska, B Koos, et al.

Round facemasks with an external diameter of 60 mm are too large for almost all newborn infants, while 42/50 mm round facemasks are well fitting. Important anatomical structures were only visible using 3D images.

Thesis. Development and Usability Testing of a Custom Positioning Surgical Guide for Soft Tissue Breast Reconstruction. JR Joury.

Date: August 2019. Source: ERA: Education and Research Archive, University of Alberta. Abstract: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women with more than two thousand new cases diagnosed every year in Alberta [1]. Women endure both physical and psychological hardship from the disease and treatment. Surgical treatment often includes a mastectomy that removes…

AMASS: Archive of Motion Capture as Surface Shapes. N Mahmood , N Ghorbani, NF Troje, G Pons-Moll, MJ Black.

Date: April 2019. Source: Cornell University Library –, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Abstract: Large datasets are the cornerstone of recent advances in computer vision using deep learning. In contrast, existing human motion capture (mocap) datasets are small and the motions limited, hampering progress on learning models of human motion. While there are many…

Evaluation of lumbar motion with fabric strain sensors: A pilot study.

Date: January 2019. Source: International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 69, Pages 194-199. Highlights: • Flexible strain-sensors provides a potential solution for measuring lumbar motion. • The sensor-predicted lumbar angles showed good agreement to the measured body angles. • Sensor signals may have varied between subjects due to anthropometry. • Future work is needed to…

Pushing the Envelope in Dense-Surface 4D/Motion Capture of the Body, Head, Hands, and Feet. Chris Lane.

Date: October 2018. Source: 9th 3DBODY.TECH Conference and Expo. October 16-17, 2018. Lugano, Switzerland, USA. Presenter: Chris LANE, 3dMD Ltd. Session: Technical Session 2: 3D Body Scanning Systems I

A New Method for Finding the Shoulder Complex Rotation Centre Using 3D Body Scanning. SG Rozevink, I Kingma, D Spies et al.

Date: October 2018. Source: 9th 3DBODY.TECH Conference and Expo. October 16-17, 2018. Lugano, Switzerland, USA. Presenter: SG Rozevink Session: Technical Session 1: Medical Applications Abstract: To avoid radiation exposure to the body, the rotation centre of the shoulder complex is often assessed using the Optotrak motion capture system instead of X-ray imaging. Recently, 3D body…

Regression of cephalic index following endoscopic repair of sagittal synostosis. NA Pickersgill, GB Skolnick, SD Naidoo, MD Smyth, KB Patel.

Date: October 2018. Source: Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics [Online Before Print]. Objective: Metrics used to quantify preoperative severity and postoperative outcomes for patients with sagittal synostosis include cephalic index (CI), the well-known standard, and the recently described adjusted cephalic index (aCI), which accounts for altered euryon location. This study tracks the time course of these…