Automated three-dimensional analysis of facial asymmetry in patients with syndromic coronal synostosis: A retrospective study. TM Choi, X Liu, T Abdel-Alim, ML van Veelen, IMJ Mathijssen, EB Wolvius, GV Roshchupkin.

101 patients from 2005 to 2022 were selected for inclusion according to the following criteria: diagnosis molecularly confirmed; were of Caucasian descent; had only premature fusion of left and/or right coronal suture(s); had undergone only one craniofacial surgery; were younger than 18 years; had undergone no orthodontic treatment; had no extraction of permanent teeth; and had not undergone maxillary osteotomy.

Evaluation of Head Position in Static and Dynamic Three-Dimensional Imaging: a review of the Literature. M Kjærgaard Larsen, TH Thygesen.

Date: August 2017. Source: International Journal of Oral and Craniofacial Science, 3(2), pp 34-38. Background: : The interest in three-dimensional imaging in orthognathic treatment planning has been growing, especially for evaluation of the natural head position. Several three-dimensional devices are available on the market. Three-dimensional evaluation of the patient will probably soon be a standard…

Validation of a new three-dimensional imaging system using comparative craniofacial anthropometry. FB Naini, S Akram, J Kepinska, U Garagiola, F McDonald, D Wertheim.

Date: August 2017. Source: Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (2017) 39: 23. Background: The aim of this study is to validate a new three-dimensional craniofacial stereophotogrammetry imaging system (3dMDface) through comparison with manual facial surface anthropometry. The null hypothesis was that there is no difference between craniofacial measurements using anthropometry vs. the 3dMDface system. Methods:…

The impact of aging on the three-dimensional aspect of the hand: a pilot study. IA Hoevenaren, TS Wesselius, JW Meulstee, RD Vreeken, TJJ Maal, DJO Ulrich.

Date: January 2017 (ONLINE). Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery. Background: With rejuvenation treatments of the skin gaining more and more popularity, the inquiry for rejuvenation of the hand grows. Until now, no imaging tool exists to analyze the aging process of the hand. Three-dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetry is a reliable technique which is…

Three-dimensional soft tissue analysis of the hand: a novel method to investigate effects of acromegaly. IA Hoevenaren, MAEM Wagenmakers, SHPP Roerink, RT Netea-Maier, DJO Ulrich, TJJ Maal.

Date: December 2016. Source: European Journal of Plastic Surgery, Volume 39, Issue 6, pp 429–434. Background: Acral overgrowth is a highly common clinical sign in patients with active acromegaly. To what extent this overgrowth persists after long-term remission of acromegaly is largely unknown. Using the new imaging technique of three-dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetry, it is possible…

Three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry as an accurate tool in analysis of lymphedema of the hand. IA Hoevenaren, AC Verhulst, M Hameeteman, RD Vreeken, TJJ Maal, DJO Ulrich.

Date: September 2016 (Online). Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Background: Lymphedema of the upper extremity is a frequently seen manifestation after breast cancer surgery. Three-dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetry is a reliable technique in clinical practice, for example in volume measurements. The purpose of this research was to investigate if 3D imaging could be…