Measuring Symmetry in Children With Unrepaired Cleft Lip: Defining a Standard for the Three-Dimensional Mid-facial Reference Plane. J Wu, C Heike, C Birgfeld, K Evans, M Maga, C Morrison, B Saltzman, L Shapiro, R Tse.

Date: March 2016 (Online ahead of print) Source: The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. Objective: Quantitative measures of facial form to evaluate treatment outcomes for cleft lip (CL) are currently limited. Computer-based analysis of three-dimensional (3D) images provides an opportunity for efficient and objective analysis. The purpose of this study was to define a computer-based standard of…

Rendering or normalization? An analysis of the 3D-aided pose-invariant face recognition. YH Wu, SK Shah, IA Kakadiaris.

Date: February 2016. Source: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA), Sendai. Presenter: Yuhang Wu. Abstract: In spite of recent progress achieved in near-frontal face recognition, the problem of pose variations prevalent in 2D facial images captured in the wild still remains a challenging and unsolved issue. Among existing approaches of…

Molecular genetic analysis in 14 czech kabuki syndrome patients is confirming the utility of phenotypic scoring. J Paděrová; A Holubová; M Simandlová; A Puchmajerová; M Vlčková; M Malíková; R Pourová; S Vejvalková; M Havlovicová; M Šenkeříková; N Ptáková; J Drábová; J Geryk; A Maver; A Křepelová; M Macek.

Date: February 2016. Source: Clinical Genetics. The International Journal of Genetics, Molecular, and Personalized Medicine. Abstract: Kabuki syndrome (KS) is a dominantly inherited disorder mainly due to de novo pathogenic variation in KMT2D or KDM6A genes. Initially, a representative cohort of 14 Czech cases with clinical features suggestive of KS was analyzed by experienced clinical…

The Oropharyngeal Airway in Young Adults with Skeletal Class II and Class III Deformities: A 3-D Morphometric Analysis. YSN Jayaratne, RA Zwahlen.

Date: February 2016. Source: PLOS | One. Objective: 1) To determine the accuracy and reliability of an automated anthropometric measurement software for the oropharyngeal airway and 2) To compare the anthropometric dimensions of the oropharyngeal airway in skeletal class II and III deformity patients. Methods: Cone-beam CT (CBCT) scans of 62 patients with skeletal class…

A Multiresolution 3D Morphable Face Model and Fitting Framework. P Huber, GS Hu, R Tena, P Mortazavian, WP Koppen.

Date: February 2016. Source: VISAPP 2016: The 11th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy. Abstract: 3D Morphable Face Models are a powerful tool in computer vision. They consist of a PCA model of face shape and colour information and allow to reconstruct a 3D face from a single 2D image. 3D…

Facial soft-tissue changes after rapid maxillary expansion analyzed with 3-dimensional stereophotogrammetry: A randomized, controlled clinical trial. A Baysal, MA Ozturk, AO Sahan, T Uysal.

Date: February 2016 (ONLINE AHEAD OF PRINT). Source: Angle Orthodontist Objective: To evaluate three-dimensional (3D) soft tissue facial changes following rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and to compare these changes with an untreated control group. Materials and Methods: Patients who need RME as a part of their orthodontic treatment were randomly divided into two groups of…

Reproducibility and reliability of three-dimensional soft tissue landmark identification using three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry. A Baysal, AO Sahan, MA Ozturk, T Uysal.

Date: February 2016 (ONLINE AHEAD OF PRINT). Source: Angle Orthodontist Objective: To evaluate the intraexaminer repeatability and interexaminer reproducibility of soft tissue landmarks on three-dimensional (3D) stereophogrammetric images. Materials and Methods: Thirty-four stereophotogrammetric images were taken and 19 soft tissue points were identified. The images were obtained using the 3dMDface (3dMD, Atlanta, USA) system. Two…

Facial morphology in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and moderate to severe temporomandibular joint involvement. YJ Hsieh, TA Darvann, NV Hermann, P Larsen, YF Liao, J Bjoern-Joergensen, S Kreiborg.

Date: February 2016 Source: American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics. Volume 149, Issue 2, Pages 182–191. Highlights: • We evaluated lateral facial morphology of juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients with moderate and severe TMJ involvement. • Differences in their lateral facial morphologies between unilateral and bilateral TMJ involvement were also assessed. Introduction: The aims of…

Does powdering of the dentition increase the accuracy of fusing 3D stereophotographs and digital dental casts. FA Rangel, YT Chiu, TJJ Maal, EM Bronkhorst, SJ Bergé, AM Kuijpers-Jagtman.

Date: January 2016 (Online) Source: The European Journal of Orthodontics. Objective: The shiny vestibular surfaces of teeth make it difficult to match digital dental casts to 3D stereophotogrammetric images of patient teeth. This study tested whether reducing this shininess by coating the teeth with titanium-oxide powder might improve the accuracy of the matching procedure. Methods:…

A Pilot Study on the Influence of Facial Expression on Measurements in Three-Dimensional Digital Surfaces of the Face in Infants With Cleft Lip and Palate. NV Hermann, TA Darvann, P Larsen, P Lindholm, M Andersen, S Kreiborg.

Date: January 2016. Source: The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. OBJECTIVE: Three-dimensional surface imaging is an increasingly popular modality for face measurements in infants with cleft lip and palate. Infants are noncompliant toward producing specific facial expressions, and selecting the appropriate moment of acquisition is challenging. The objective was to estimate amount and spatial distribution of deformation…