Application of 3dMD Photogrammetric System for Classification of Hemifacial Microsomia: a Pilot Study. SY SHEN, PF XIN, JW DAI XD WANG, GF SHEN.

Date: November 2012. Source: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; 22(4): pp 261-264. Objective: To introduce a new type of measurement and diagnosis system for classification and treatment planning for hemifacial microsomias. Methods: 14 hemifacial microsomia patients were recruited in this study. Their measurement of volume captured and calculated by 3dMD photogrammetric system were evaluated.…

Three-dimensional airway evaluation in 387 subjects from one university orthodontic clinic using cone beam computed tomography. CC Chiang, MN Jeffres, A Miller, DC Hatcher.

Date: November 2012 Source: Angle Orthodontist; 82(6): pp 985-92. Abstract: Objective: To determine the linear, volumetric, and cross-sectional area measurements in a large sample of subjects seeking treatment in a university clinic of orthodontics. Materials and Methods: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans from 387 patients were analyzed retrospectively. All scans were loaded into the 3dMDvultus…

Breast Curvature of the Upper and Lower Breast Mound: 3D Analysis of Patients who Underwent Breast Reconstruction. J LEE, GP REECE, MK MARKEY.

Date: October 16-17, 2012. Source: 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012, Lugano, Switzerland Abstract: Quantitative and objective methods to evaluate the morphology of the reconstructed breast may help plastic surgeons improve their surgical practice, and thus ultimately help breast cancer survivors derive the intended psychosocial benefits of reconstruction. Recently, we developed a…

Three-Dimensional Analysis of Facial Asymmetry of Healthy Hispanic Caucasian Children. J Lee, B Ku, AC Da Silveira, MK Markey.

Date: October 16-17, 2012 Source: 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012, Lugano, Switzerland Abstract: The objective of this study was to conduct a quantitative analysis of facial asymmetry of healthy Hispanic Caucasian children residing in Central Texas, USA. 3D facial surface images of healthy Hispanic Caucasian participants (41 boys, 39 girls) currently…

Collecting Large Scale Anthropometric Samples Around the World. CR Lane.

Date: October 16-17, 2012 Source: 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012, Lugano, Switzerland Abstract: During the past 12 months there has been a major focus on collecting large databases of human faces to use as a comparative foundation for patients undergoing corrective intervention. Sometimes referred to as ‘normatives,’ the mass collection of…

Semi-Automated Registration of 3D Torso Images from Breast Reconstruction Surgery. LJ Zhao, SK Shah, GP Reece, MA Crosby, EK Beahm, MC Fingeret, MK Markey, FA Merchant.

Date: October 16-17, 2012 Source: 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012, Lugano, Switzerland. Abstract: The applications for three-dimensional (3D) scanners in breast reconstruction surgery, which is a multi-step process lasting at times 2-3 years are increasing. In order to quantify changes occurring in the reconstructed breasts over time, it is necessary to…

The Breakthrough Potential for Dynamic High-Frame Rate 3D Dense Surface Capture. CR Lane.

Date: October 16-17, 2012 Source: 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012, Lugano, Switzerland Presentation: The Breakthrough Potential for Dynamic High-Frame Rate 3D Dense Surface Capture. Invited Speaker: Christopher R Lane, CEO of 3dMD

KEYNOTE: From Scans to Avatars: Using Multi-Viewpoint, High Precision 3D Surface Imaging to Create Realistic Deformable Models of the Body. CR Lane and MJ Black.

Date: October 16, 2012 Source: 3rd International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies 2012, Lugano, Switzerland Abstract: At the first Lugano Conference in 2010 Michael Black outlined his vision to Chris Lane for the development of a personalized avatar of complex human body movements calibrated by a streamlined workflow of 3D body scans. During the…

3dMD Transitions Anatomical Research from 3D-Static to 4D-Movement Surface Imaging.

Date: October 2012. Source: Press Announcement ATLANTA. 3dMD, the 3D surface imaging system and software developer who has actively supported 3D clinical research for more than a decade, announces the availability of its recently re-engineered 60 frames per second 3dMDdynamic System to support serious research into quantifying and measuring human anatomical function in motion. While…