Lumbar posture assessment with fabric strain sensors. LQ Vu, KH Kim, LJH Schulze, SL Rajulu.

Date: March 2020. Source: Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 118, 103624. Abstract: Astronauts are at risk for low back pain and injury during extravehicular activity because of the deconditioning of the lumbar region and biomechanical demands associated with wearing a spacesuit. To understand and mitigate injury risks, it is necessary to study the lumbar…

Patient- and 3D morphometry-based nose outcomes after skeletofacial reconstruction. R Denadai, PY Chou, HJ Seo et al.

Date: March 2020. Source: Scientific Reports, Volume 10, Article No. 4246, Abstract: Patient satisfaction with the shape and appearance of their nose after orthognathic surgery-based skeletofacial reconstruction is an important, but often overlooked, outcome. We assessed the nose-related outcomes through a recently developed patient-reported outcome instrument and a widely adopted 3D computer-based objective outcome…

3D soft‐tissue evaluation of a Class III treatment with rapid maxillary expander and face mask in pre‐pubertal phase – A retrospective cohort study. BK Đokić, A Zhurov, S Richmond et al.

Date: March 2020. Source: Orthodontic & Craniofacial Research, Objective: The aim of this prospective controlled study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the rapid maxillary expander (RME) and face mask treatment using three‐dimensional soft‐tissue facial characteristics of pre‐pubertal Class III children. Setting and Sample Population: CLIII and non‐CLIII groups, both of 32 white children…

Nasal Alar Surface Area Differences After Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair. Long-Term Effects of the Perialar Incision. AT Perdanasari, RD Wagner, MJ Davis et al.

Date: March 2020 (Online). Source: Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000006284. Background: The Millard rotation-advancement cleft lip repair is the most commonly performed cleft lip repair. An extended perialar incision allows for further advancement of the lateral lip element and improved positioning of the alar base. There is a lack of data evaluating differences in…

Assessing the Influence of Chin Asymmetry on Perceived Facial Esthetics With 3-Dimensional Images. T Dong, N Ye, L Yuan, S Wu, L Xia, B Fang.

Date: March 2020. Source: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. DOI: 10.1016/j.joms.2020.03.017. Objective: We used 3-dimensional (3D) images to assess the influence of chin asymmetry on perceived facial esthetics, investigate the cognitive boundaries of chin asymmetry among orthodontists, general dentists, and laypersons, and provide quantitative reference for clinical treatment. Materials and Methods: A 3D facial…

Three-Dimensional Facial Imaging for the Diagnosis of Complex Soft Tissue Secondary to Craniofacial Trauma. L Zou, S Holmes.

Date: March 2020. Source: Atlas of Operative Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery, pp 101-105, Springer, London. Abstract: Facial scanning is a relatively recent imaging modality that has been evolving over the past 30 years. It provides valid and reliable three-dimensional (3D) imaging. 3D facial images also provide objective quantifications of facial changes. Image capturing uses a noncontact…

Immune function during early adolescence positively predicts adult facial sexual dimorphism in both men and women. YZ Foo, LW Simmons, DI Perrett et al.

Date: February 2020 (Online). Source: Evolution and Human Behavior. Abstract: Evolutionary theories suggest that humans prefer sexual dimorphism in faces because masculinity in men and femininity in women may be an indicator of immune function during development. In particular, the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis proposes that sexual dimorphism indicates good immune function during development because the…

Three-dimensional facial volume analysis using algorithm-based personalized aesthetic templates. AJ Tuin, JW Meulstee, TGJ Loonen et al.

Date: February 2020 (Online). Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Abstract: Three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry is commonly used to assess volumetric changes after facial procedures. A lack of clear landmarks in aesthetic regions complicates the reproduction of selected areas in sequential images. A three-dimensional volumetric analysis was developed based on a personalized aesthetic template. The…

Outcome of facial contour asymmetry after conventional two-dimensional versus computer-assisted three-dimensional planning in cleft orthognathic surgery. P Hsu, R Denadai, BCJ Pai et al.

Date: February 2020. Source: Scientific Reports, Volume 10, Article No. 2346, Abstract: Computer-assisted 3D planning has overcome the limitations of conventional 2D planning-guided orthognathic surgery (OGS), but difference for facial contour asymmetry outcome has not been verified to date. This comparative study assessed the facial contour asymmetry outcome of consecutive patients with unilateral cleft…

A Comparison of 3D Facial Features in a Population from Zimbabwe and United States. E Bhaskar, CH Kau.

Date: February 2020. Source: European Journal of Dentistry, 14(01): 100-106, DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1702258. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in three-dimensional (3D) facial features in a population from Zimbabwe and the United States. In addition, this study seeks to establish an average facial template of each population allowing clinicians to treat…