Precision of three-dimensional stereo-photogrammetry (3dMD) in anthropometry of the auricle and its application in microtia reconstruction. ZC Chen, MN Albdour, JA Lizardo, YA Chen, KT Chen.

Date: May 2015. Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Volume 68, Issue 5, Pages 622–631. Background: The advent of three-dimensional stereo-photogrammetry in recent years has vastly helped the craniomaxillofacial field improve in terms of preoperative and intraoperative decision making. With regard to the auricle though, there is paucity of research as to the…

Digital capture, design, and manufacturing of an extraoral device for a clarinet player with Bell’s palsy. C Aita-Holmes; P Liacouras; WO Wilson; GT Grant

Date: May 2015 (online). Source: The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Abstract: An extraoral device was fabricated to assist a clarinet player with Bell’s palsy. The device was fabricated by using stereophotogrammetry, digital design, and additive manufacturing technologies. Article: Digital capture, design, and manufacturing of an extraoral device for a clarinet player with Bell’s palsy. Authors:…

Personalized 3D-Printed CPAP Masks Improve CPAP Effectiveness in Children with OSA and Craniofacial Anomalies. RJ Morrison, KK VanKoevering, HB Nasser, KN Kashlan, SK Kline, DR Jensen, SP Edwards, F Hassan, HM Schotland, RD Chervin, SR Buchman, SJ Hollister, SL Garetz, GE Green.

Date: April 2015. Source: COSM, Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings, on April 22-26, 2015 in Boston, MA USA. Abstract: The high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in children with craniofacial anomalies has been well-described. Failure of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy may require potentially morbid surgery. Yet, achieving a functional mask-face interface using conventional…

Rating nasolabial appearance on three-dimensional images in cleft lip and palate: a comparison with standard photographs. A Stebel, D Desmedt, E Bronkhorst, MA Kuijpers, PS Fudalej.

Date: April 2015 (online). Source: The European Journal of Orthodontics. Background/Objective: Judgement of nasolabial aesthetics in cleft lip and palate (CLP) is a vital component of assessment of treatment outcome. It is usually performed based on two-dimensional (2D) facial photographs. An increasing use of three-dimensional (3D) imaging warrants an assessment if 3D images can substitute…

Posterior cranial vault distraction in the management of syndromic multi-suture craniosynostosis: Outcomes and 3D photographic/CT-based morphometric analysis. CR Forrest, BM French, A Clausen.

Date: April 11-14, 2015. Source: AAPS 94th Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, USA. PURPOSE: Posterior cranial vault distraction has recently been popularized as a first intervention technique in the management of syndromic and multi-suture craniosynostosis. The purpose of this study was to present our experience with posterior cranial vault distraction in the management of these complex…

Digital capture, design, and manufacturing of a facial prosthesis: Clinical report on a pediatric patient. GT Grant, C Aita-Holmes, P Liacouras; J Garnes; WO Wilson.

Date: April 2015 (online). Source: The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Abstract: A digitally captured, designed, and fabricated facial prosthesis is presented as an alternative to customary maxillofacial prosthodontics fabrication techniques, where a facial moulage and patient cooperation may be difficult. Article: Digital capture, design, and manufacturing of a facial prosthesis: Clinical report on a pediatric…

Regional facial asymmetries in unilateral orofacial clefts. MA Kuijpers, DJ Desmedt, RM Nada, SJ Bergé, PS Fudalej, TJJ Maal.

Date: February 2015. Source: The European Journal of Orthodontics. Objectives: Assess facial asymmetry in subjects with unilateral cleft lip (UCL), unilateral cleft lip and alveolus (UCLA), and unilateral cleft lip, alveolus, and palate (UCLP), and to evaluate which area of the face is most asymmetrical. Methods: Standardized three-dimensional facial images of 58 patients (9 UCL,…

Three-dimensional changes in nose and upper lip volume after orthognathic surgery. B van Loon, N van Heerbeek, F Bierenbroodspot, L Verhamme, T Xi, MJJ de Koning, KJAO Ingels, SJ Bergé, TJJ Maal.

Date: January 2015 Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 44(1):83-9. Abstract: Orthognathic surgery aims to improve both the function and facial appearance of the patient. Translation of the maxillomandibular complex for correction of malocclusion is always followed by changes to the covering soft tissues, especially the nose and lips. The purpose of this study…

A New Objective Automatic Computational Framework for Evaluating and Visualizing the Results of Infant Cranial Surgery. B Yuan, D Khechoyan, R Goldman.

Date: December 14-16, 2014. Source: 2014 ASE BigData/SocialInformatics/PASSAT/BioMedCom 2014 Conference, Harvard University. Abstract: We describe a novel automatic computational framework for evaluating and visualizing the results of infant cranial surgeries. We begin by capturing a 3D triangle mesh of the subject’s head using a 3dMD camera. Our framework includes a mesh decimation algorithm to simplify…

Nasal changes after orthognathic surgery for patients with prognathism and Class III malocclusion: Analysis using three-dimensional photogrammetry. S Worasakwutiphong; YF Chuang; HW Chang; HH Lin; PJ Lin; LJ Lo.

Date: December 2014. Source: Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Background/Purpose. Orthognathic surgery alters the position of maxilla and mandible, and consequently changes the nasal shape. The nasal change remains a concern to Asian patients. The aim of this study was to measure the nasal changes using a novel three-dimensional photographic imaging method. Methods. A…