Automatic Assessment of 3-Dimensional Facial Soft Tissue Symmetry Before and After Orthognathic Surgery Using a Machine Learning Model. LJ Lo, CT Yang, CT Ho, CH Liao, HH Lin.

This study applied the transfer learning model with a convolutional neural network based on 3-dimensional (3D) contour line features to evaluate the facial symmetry before and after OGS. A total of 158 patients were recruited in a retrospective cohort study for the assessment and comparison of facial symmetry before and after OGS from January 2018 to March 2020. Three-dimensional facial photographs were captured by the 3dMD face system in a natural head position, with eyes looking forward, relaxed facial muscles, and habitual dental occlusion before and at least 6 months after surgery.

Thesis. Outcome assessment of facial orthopedics with taping for cleft lip deformities using 3D stereophotogrammetry. Peter Mankowski.

Date: May 2020. Source: Thesis. Master of Science, The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Craniofacial Science, The University of British Columbia. Background: Prior to operative correction of a cleft lip, presurgical orthopaedics (PSO) with facial taping is used to improve pre-maxillary and soft tissue alignment. Two commercially available taping systems, Dynacleft and 3MTM taping…