Kodak and 3dMD Team Up to Provide Fast, Precise 3D Surface Imaging and Analysis.

Date: February 2006. Source: Press Announcement ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Orthodontic and oral and maxillofacial surgery professionals can now obtain highly precise, ultra-fast 3D surface images of patients, and analyze treatment outcomes in a digital 3D environment, as a result of a new alliance between Kodak and 3dMDvultus. Through an exclusive distribution agreement, Kodak will become…

Dolphin Partners with 3dMD to Deliver an Integrated Solution That Enables Dental Specialties to Take Advantage of the Power of 3D Patient Imaging.

Date: September 2005. Source: Press Announcement. BOSTON – Dolphin Imaging & Management Solutions (www.dolphinimaging.com), one of the world’s leading providers of high quality software solutions for the dental-specialty professions, and 3dMD (www.3dMD.com), the world’s market leader in highly precise, ultra-fast 3D surface imaging, today announced their partnership which exemplifies both companies commitment to providing an…

Medical Research Study Launched Focusing on the Effects Surgery and Orthodontics Have on the Face.

Date: November 27, 2000. Source: Press Announcement ATLANTA – 3dMD, a provider of 3-D surface imaging systems for healthcare, today announced that its DSP400 has been bought for use in the University of Washington Orthognathic Surgery Program’s upcoming quantitative research study. Led by the program’s three directors – Dr. Dale Bloomquist, Dr. Don Joondeph and…