Development of a maxillofacial virtual surgical system based on biomechanical parameters of facial soft tissue. M Cheng, Y Zhuang, H Zhao et al.

In this study, a physical model of facial soft tissue based on real biomechanical parameters was constructed, and a haptics-enabled virtual surgical system was developed to simulate incision-making process on facial soft tissue and to help maxillofacial surgery training.

A Three-Dimensional-Based Morphometric Analysis of a Standardized Overcorrection Technique for Fronto-Orbital Advancement in Metopic Craniosynostosis. MJ Pfaff, MK Bruce, S Erpenbeck, et al.

he purpose of this study is to describe in detail a standardized technique to fronto-orbital advancement utilizing the concept of “overcorrection” and objectively evaluate intermediate results.

Anatomic Maps May Offer New Technique for Calculating Spine Curvature. Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS)

Date: November 2019. Source: Press Release issued by Hospital for Special Surgery. Release: HSS researchers evaluating ‘3dMD’ technology to reduce x-ray use and improve therapy for scoliosis patients. Researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York City are enrolling patients in a study using cutting-edge imaging technology to produce three-dimensional maps of the…

Effect of maxillary expansion and protraction on the oropharyngeal airway in individuals with non-syndromic cleft palate with or without cleft lip. N Alrejaye, J Gao, D Hatcher, S Oberoi.

Date: July 2019. Source: PLOS ONE. Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate three dimensionally the effect of the combined maxillary expansion and protraction treatment on oropharyngeal airway in children with non-syndromic cleft palate with or without cleft lip (CP/L). Methods: CBCT data of 18 preadolescent individuals (ages, 8.4 ± 1.7 years)…

Facial Gender Affirmation Surgery. DE Morris, LP Zhao.

Date: July 2019. Source: Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Volume 30, Issue 5, p 1403–1405. Abstract: Facial procedures directed at gender affirmation are uniquely tailored to the individual patient and may affect soft tissue and skeletal structures over the entire face—from the chin through the upper forehead. Complete photographic and radiographic documentation that addresses these areas…

Regression of cephalic index following endoscopic repair of sagittal synostosis. NA Pickersgill, GB Skolnick, SD Naidoo, MD Smyth, KB Patel.

Date: October 2018. Source: Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics [Online Before Print]. Objective: Metrics used to quantify preoperative severity and postoperative outcomes for patients with sagittal synostosis include cephalic index (CI), the well-known standard, and the recently described adjusted cephalic index (aCI), which accounts for altered euryon location. This study tracks the time course of these…