Fully automated landmarking and facial segmentation on 3D photographs. B Berends, F Bielevelt, R Schreurs, et al.

A deep learning-based approach for automated landmark extraction from 3dMD facial photographs was developed and its precision was evaluated. The results showed high precision and consistency in landmark annotation, comparable to manual and semi-automatic annotation methods.

Automated three-dimensional analysis of facial asymmetry in patients with syndromic coronal synostosis: A retrospective study. TM Choi, X Liu, T Abdel-Alim, ML van Veelen, IMJ Mathijssen, EB Wolvius, GV Roshchupkin.

101 patients from 2005 to 2022 were selected for inclusion according to the following criteria: diagnosis molecularly confirmed; were of Caucasian descent; had only premature fusion of left and/or right coronal suture(s); had undergone only one craniofacial surgery; were younger than 18 years; had undergone no orthodontic treatment; had no extraction of permanent teeth; and had not undergone maxillary osteotomy.

Effect of alar base cinch suture based on anatomic landmarks on the morphology of nasolabial region in patients after orthognathic surgery. W Zhang W, XJ Liu, ZL Li, Y Zhang.

This modified alar base cinch suture is more favorable for the postoperative nasal coordination and nasolabial morphology in patients who need mild to moderate maxillary advancement, and it has certain advantages in operability and objective accuracy.