The virtual patient in dental medicine. T Joda, GO Gallucci.

Date: April 2015. Source: Clinical Oral Implants Research, 26, pp 725–726. Objectives: The aim of this Short Communication was to present a workflow for the superimposition of intraoral scan (IOS), cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and extraoral face scan (EOS) creating a 3D virtual dental patient. Material and Methods: As a proof-of-principle, full arch IOS, preoperative…

Comparison of three surgical techniques for controlling nasal width after Le Fort I osteotomy. ZQ Wang, XX Wang, ZL Li, B Yi, C Liang, X Wang.

Date: March 2015. Source: Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao (Journal of Peking University, Health Sciences), 47(1):104-108. OBJECTIVE: To identify nasal width changes occurring after Le Fort I osteotomy and to compare prospectively the effect of three surgical techniques for controlling postoperative nasal width. METHODS: In the study, 79 patients (22 male and 57 female, mean…

Monobloc Le Fort III Distraction Osteogenesis for Correction of Severe Fronto-orbital and Midface Hypoplasia in Pediatric Crouzon Syndrome. F Hariri, LK Cheung, ZA Rahman, V Mathaneswaran, D Ganesan.

Date: February 2015. Source: The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. Abstract: In severe syndromic craniosynostosis, distraction osteogenesis (DO) provides superior segmental advancement and allows progressive clinical monitoring to ensure that adequate skeletal expansion is achieved. We report two cases of Crouzon syndrome involving a 3-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl, who were both treated with monobloc Le…

Three-dimensional changes in nose and upper lip volume after orthognathic surgery. B van Loon, N van Heerbeek, F Bierenbroodspot, L Verhamme, T Xi, MJJ de Koning, KJAO Ingels, SJ Bergé, TJJ Maal.

Date: January 2015 Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 44(1):83-9. Abstract: Orthognathic surgery aims to improve both the function and facial appearance of the patient. Translation of the maxillomandibular complex for correction of malocclusion is always followed by changes to the covering soft tissues, especially the nose and lips. The purpose of this study…

In-vivo quantification of human breast deformation associated with the position change from supine to upright. H Khatam, GP Reece, MC Fingeret, MK Markey, K Ravi-Chandar.

Date: January 2015. Source: Medical Engineering and Physics, 37(1):13-22. Abstract: Stereophotographic imaging and digital image correlation are used to determine the variation of breast skin deformation as the subject orientation is altered from supine to upright. A change in subject’s position from supine to upright can result in significant stretches in some parts of the…

A New Objective Automatic Computational Framework for Evaluating and Visualizing the Results of Infant Cranial Surgery. B Yuan, D Khechoyan, R Goldman.

Date: December 14-16, 2014. Source: 2014 ASE BigData/SocialInformatics/PASSAT/BioMedCom 2014 Conference, Harvard University. Abstract: We describe a novel automatic computational framework for evaluating and visualizing the results of infant cranial surgeries. We begin by capturing a 3D triangle mesh of the subject’s head using a 3dMD camera. Our framework includes a mesh decimation algorithm to simplify…

Reliability and validity of measurements of facial swelling with a stereophotogrammetry optical three-dimensional scanner. WJ van der Meer, PU Dijkstra, A Visser, A Vissink, Y Ren.

Date: December 2014 Source: British Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 52(10):922-7. Abstract: Volume changes in facial morphology can be assessed using the 3dMDface® stereo-optical 3-dimensional scanner, which uses visible light and has a short scanning time. Its reliability and validity have not to our knowledge been investigated for the assessment of facial swelling. Our aim…

Nasal changes after orthognathic surgery for patients with prognathism and Class III malocclusion: Analysis using three-dimensional photogrammetry. S Worasakwutiphong; YF Chuang; HW Chang; HH Lin; PJ Lin; LJ Lo.

Date: December 2014. Source: Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Background/Purpose. Orthognathic surgery alters the position of maxilla and mandible, and consequently changes the nasal shape. The nasal change remains a concern to Asian patients. The aim of this study was to measure the nasal changes using a novel three-dimensional photographic imaging method. Methods. A…

Quantitative Assessment of Facial Asymmetry Using Three-Dimensional Surface Imaging in Adults: Validating the Precision and Repeatability of a Global Approach. D Kornreich, AA Mitchell, BD Webb, I Cristian, EW Jabs.

Date: December 2014. Source: The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. Objective: Comparison of global versus landmark analyses of facial asymmetry using three-dimensional photogrammetry to establish a precise method for evaluating facial asymmetry. Design: The landmark-based approach utilized anthropometric data points. Our global approach involved registration of mirror images, independent of a midplane, to calculate a root mean…

Recording of Natural Head Position Using Stereophotogrammetry: A New Technique and Reliability Study. TC Hsung, J Lo, TS Li, LK Cheung.

Date: November 2014 Source: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 72(11): 2256-61. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop a technique to record physical references and orient digital mesh models to a natural head position using stereophotogrammetry (SP). The first step was to record the digital mesh model of a hanging reference board…