Three-dimensional gender differences in facial form of children in the North East of England. I Bugaighis, C Mattick, B Tiddeman, and R Hobson

Date: April 2011 (Epub) Source: European Journal of Orthodontics Abstract: The aim of the prospective cross-sectional morphometric study was to explore three dimensional (3D) facial shape and form (shape plus size) variation within and between 8- and 12-year-old Caucasian children; 39 males age-matched with 41 females. Article: Three-dimensional gender differences in facial form of children…

Maxillary, mandibular, and chin advancement: treatment planning based on airway anatomy in obstructive sleep apnea. SA Schendel, N Powell, R Jacobson.

Date: March 2011 Source: Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 69(3): 663-76. Abstract: Surgical correction of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome involves understanding a number of parameters, of which the 3-dimensional airway anatomy is important. Visualization of the upper airway based on cone beam computed tomography scans and automated computer analysis is an aid in understanding…

3dMD is awarded Phase I of STTR Grant with UNC at Chapel Hill for a Dynamic 4D Facial Soft Tissue Analysis System.

Date: March 2011 Source: Press Announcement Headline: 3dMD is awarded Phase I of STTR Grant No. 1R41DE019742-01A1 with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Co-Principal Investigator Dr Carroll Ann Trotman, for a Dynamic 4D Facial Soft Tissue Analysis System. Atlanta (15-March-11): We are delighted to announce that 3dMD, working in conjunction with the Department of…

On the Antiquity of Trisomy 21: Moving Towards a Quantitative Diagnosis of Down Syndrome in Historic Material Culture. John M. Starbuck

Date: 2011 Source: Journal of Contemporary Anthropology, Vol. II (2011), Iss. 1. Abstract: Down syndrome was first medically described as a separate condition from other forms of cognitive impairment in 1866. Because it took so long for Down syndrome to be recognized as a clinical entity deserving its own status, several investigators have questioned whether…

Automated 3-Dimensional Airway Analysis from Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Data. SA Schendel and D Hatcher

Date: March 2010. Source: Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Volume 68, Issue 3, Pages 696-701. Description: Evaluation of the airway using CT data is 3D and more precise than using traditional cephalometric radiographs but requires considerable manual manipulation of the data to achieve objective measurements. Medical CT has been used to study the airway changes…

Quantitative analysis of facial movement—A review of three-dimensional imaging techniques. H Popat, S Richmond , L Benedikt , D Marshall , PL Rosin.

Date: July 2009. Source: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. Volume 33, Issue 5 , Pages 377-383. Abstract: Objective analysis of facial movement forms an important consideration in the assessment and outcome of several medical disciplines. Technological advances in the field of medical imaging have meant techniques to measure facial movement have evolved from subjective grading…

3D Facial Gestures in Biometrics: from Feasibility Study to Application. L Benedikt, D Cosker, PL Rosin, D Marshall.

Date: September 2008. Source: Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, 2008. BTAS 2008. 2nd IEEE International Conference; pp 1-6. Abstract: The human face has been so far mainly seen as a physiological biometric and very little work has been done to exploit the idiosyncrasies of facial gestures for person identification. This study proposes a markerless method…

Materialise and 3dMD Announce Best-of-Breed Partnership.

Date: July 2008. Source: Press Announcement. 3dMD’s high precision 3D surface imaging systems offered as an integrated part of Materialise’ powerful, patient-specific treatment software platform SurgiCase CMF. Atlanta, USA / Leuven, Belgium, July 24, 2008. Materialise and 3dMD announce a partnership that brings two best-of-breed solutions together, Materialise’ powerful, patient-specific software platform SurgiCase CMF with…