Handy: Towards a high fidelity 3D hand shape and appearance model. R Potamias, S Ploumpis, S Moschoglou, V Triantafyllou and S Zafeiriou.

We collected a large dataset comprising of textured 3D hand scans. Our hand data were captured during a special exhibition at the Science Museum, London. The capturing apparatus utilized for this task was a 3dMDhand5 system, which is an active stereo photogrammetry software-driven optics-based system, which produces high quality dense meshes.

Avatar Farms of Medical/Military-Grade, Digital-3D Doppelgangers. C Lane and K Duncan.

Explore the true economic benefits of baselining with a ‘near-ground truth’ digital-3D Doppelganger population and how this can create derivative avatar market opportunities beyond gaming, entertainment, and social media interactions.

Initial Steps towards a Multilevel Functional Principal Components Analysis Model of Dynamical Shape Changes. DJJ Farnell, P Claes.

Multilevel PCA (mPCA) has been used by us to analyze 3D facial shapes obtained from 3D facial scans; note that two-level multilevel PCA (mPCA) is equivalent to bgPCA. mPCA has been used previously to investigate changes by ethnicity and sex, facial shape changes in adolescents due to age, and the effects of maternal smoking and alcohol consumption on the facial shape of English adolescents.

The Design of a Robotic Arm to Measure Elbow Torque and Contact Pressures in an EVA Suit Arm. LJ Simms, DC Hall, BJ Dunbar, and RO Ambrose.

To evaluate the effect of individual arm anthropometrics on “performance”, a 3dMD photogrammetric scanner was used to capture a digital scan of a subject’s arm from the acromioclavicular joint to the tip of the distal phalanx of the third digit.