Functional therapy and adenotonsillectomy clinical trial for class II malocclusion (FACT-II): protocol for a randomised controlled trial. F Guo, C Lv, B Tang, L Lin, C Zhang, J Zheng, T Zhao, H He.

In summary, this study will serve as evidence to guide clinicians in deciding whether to perform the T&A on patients prior to functional therapy based on a wide range of objectively and subjectively measured outcomes and provide a reference for multidisciplinary management of OSA with craniofacial alterations in growing children.

Prospective cohort study on facial profile changes in infants with Robin sequence and healthy controls. C Wiechers, J Sowula, K Kreutzer, et al.

For infants up to age three months, 3D images were performed in our neonatal intermediate care unit in the supine position using a 10Hz 3dMDface.t System with this set-up being developed specifically for this study. Subsequently, 3D images were taken in an upright position with infants sitting on their parent’s lap in the department of orthodontics using a 10Hz 3dMDtrio.t system.

Fully automated landmarking and facial segmentation on 3D photographs. B Berends, F Bielevelt, R Schreurs, et al.

A deep learning-based approach for automated landmark extraction from 3dMD facial photographs was developed and its precision was evaluated. The results showed high precision and consistency in landmark annotation, comparable to manual and semi-automatic annotation methods.