The impact of aging on the three-dimensional aspect of the hand: a pilot study. IA Hoevenaren, TS Wesselius, JW Meulstee, RD Vreeken, TJJ Maal, DJO Ulrich.

Date: January 2017 (ONLINE). Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery. Background: With rejuvenation treatments of the skin gaining more and more popularity, the inquiry for rejuvenation of the hand grows. Until now, no imaging tool exists to analyze the aging process of the hand. Three-dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetry is a reliable technique which is…

Comprehensive treatment approach for condylar hyperplasia and mandibular crowding with custom lingual braces and 2-jaw surgery. PG Kyteas, WS McKenzie, PD Waite, CH Kau.

Date: January 2017 Source: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Volume 151, Issue 1, PP 174–185. Highlights: • A woman had progressive condylar hyperplasia from age 3 years. • Three-dimensional diagnosis and treatment plan were conducted. • A self-ligating lingual brace system were used. • Three-dimensional surgery was performed and splints placed to correct…

The Role of Three-Dimensional Imaging in Facial Anatomical Assessment. V Sharma, B Richard.

Date: December 2016 Source: Gray’s Anatomy. The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. 41st Edition, Elsevier, pp 45-46. Article: The Role of Three-Dimensional Imaging in Facial Anatomical Assessment. Authors: Vikram Sharma, Bruce Richard.

DENTAL TECHNIQUE: A 2-part facebow for CAD-CAM dentistry. YH Lam, TC Hsung, WS Choi, WK Luk, HN Pow.

Date: December 2016. Source: THE JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY. 116(6):843-847. Abstract: Converting the patient’s clinical information into the virtual world is a prerequisite for the computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) of dental restorations. This article describes a modified facebow which facilitates the radiation-free registration of the maxillary teeth to a 3-dimensional face image for…

Three-dimensional soft tissue analysis of the hand: a novel method to investigate effects of acromegaly. IA Hoevenaren, MAEM Wagenmakers, SHPP Roerink, RT Netea-Maier, DJO Ulrich, TJJ Maal.

Date: December 2016. Source: European Journal of Plastic Surgery, Volume 39, Issue 6, pp 429–434. Background: Acral overgrowth is a highly common clinical sign in patients with active acromegaly. To what extent this overgrowth persists after long-term remission of acromegaly is largely unknown. Using the new imaging technique of three-dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetry, it is possible…

A comparison of soft tissue topographical norms for the local ethnic people of Zimbabwe and African American norms based on 3dMD soft tissue photography. E Bhaskar.

Date: December 2016. Source: Master of Science Thesis, The University of Alabama at Birmingham. Introduction: The purpose of this study is to determine the soft tissue topographical norms for the local ethnic people of Zimbabwe and compare them with the African American norms based on 3dMD soft tissue photography. The rationale for the study is…

A Parametric Model of Shoulder Articulation for Virtual Assessment of Space Suit Fit. KH KIM, KS YOUNG, Y BERNAL, A BOPPANA, LQ VU, EA BENSON, S JARVIS, SL RAJULU.

Date: December 2016 Source: 2016 International Conference on 3D Body Scanning, Lugano, Switzerland. Abstract: Suboptimal suit fit is a known risk factor for crew member shoulder injury. Suit fit assessment is however prohibitively time consuming and cannot be generalized across wide variations of body shapes and poses. In this work, we have developed a new…

Three Basic Steps for Applying Digital Images to Oral and Facial Surgery. M ZAWARTKA, J WANG, B ZHENG

Date: December 2016. Source: The Chinese Journal of Dental Research, Volume 19, Number 4, pp185-189. Abstract: In this paper, the authors discuss three basic steps related to the application of digital technology to reconstructive oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS), in an effort to improve surgical outcomes. These steps include acquiring digital images, processing images in…

The 3D Facial Norms Database: Part 1. A Web-Based Craniofacial Anthropometric and Image Repository for the Clinical and Research Community.

Date: November 2016. Source: Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal, 53(6) pp. e185–e197. Background: Although craniofacial sex differences have been extensively studied in humans, relatively little is known about when various dimorphic features manifest during postnatal life. Using cross-sectional data derived from the 3D Facial Norms data repository, we tested for sexual dimorphism of craniofacial soft-tissue morphology…

Orofacial rehabilitation with zygomatic implants: CAD-CAM bar and magnets for patients with nasal cancer after rhinectomy and partial maxillectomy. E King, C Abbott, L Dovgalski, J Owens.

Date: November 2016. Source: The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Abstract: Nasal carcinoma extending into the premaxilla requires radical surgical excision including rhinectomy and partial maxillectomy. Rehabilitation is complex and involves the use of removable prostheses. Three patients treated with zygomatic implants and custom-milled bars to retain an obturator and nasal prosthesis are presented. Article: Orofacial…