Three-Dimensional Soft Tissue Change of the Malar Region with High Le-Fort 1 Advancement: Implications for Aesthetic Malar Contouring. D Morris, B Rosett, L Zhao, and P Patel.

Date: April 2014. Source: The Aesthetic Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA. Abstract: While orthognathic procedures are performed for a number of clinical scenarios, a fundamental goal is to reposition the facial skeletal components so as to improve both function as well as aesthetics. For patients with malar hypoplasia, modification of the traditional Le Fort 1…

Modeling 3D Facial Shape from DNA. P Claes, DK Liberton, K Daniels, KM Rosana, EE Quillen, LN Pearson, B McEvoy, M Bauchet, AA Zaidi, W Yao, H Tang, GS Barsh, DM Absher, MD Shriver.

Date: March 2014 Source: PLOS Genetics. Abstract: Human facial diversity is substantial, complex, and largely scientifically unexplained. We used spatially dense quasi-landmarks to measure face shape in population samples with mixed West African and European ancestry from three locations (United States, Brazil, and Cape Verde). Using bootstrapped response-based imputation modeling (BRIM), we uncover the relationships…

The perception of facial asymmetry using 3-dimensional simulated images. G McAvinchey, F Maxim, B Nix, J Djordjevic, R Linklater, G Landini.

Date: March 2014. Source: The Angle Orthodontist (Online). Objective: To investigate the perception of facial asymmetry in young adults to identify the amounts of chin asymmetry that can be regarded as normal and may benefit from correction. Materials and Methods: Three-dimensional (3D) images of 56 individuals of mixed ethnicity were obtained and used to produce…

Digital imaging analysis to assess scar phenotype. BJ Smith, N Nidey, SF Miller, LMM Uribe, CL Baum, GS Hamilton, GL Wehby, M Dunnwald.

Date: March-April 2014. Source: Wound Repair and Regeneration, Volume 22, Issue 2, pages 228–238. Abstract: In order to understand the link between the genetic background of patients and wound clinical outcomes, it is critical to have a reliable method to assess the phenotypic characteristics of healed wounds. In this study, we present a novel imaging…

The cluster assessment of facial attractiveness using fuzzy neural network classifier based on 3D Moiré features. WC Chiang, HH Lin, CS Huang, LJ Lo, SY Wan.

Date: March 2014. Source: Pattern Recognition. Volume 47, Issue 3, pp 1249–1260. Abstract: Facial attractiveness has long been argued upon varied emphases by philosophers, artists, psychologists and biologists. A number of studies empirically investigated how facial attractiveness was influenced by 2D facial characteristics, such as symmetry, averageness and golden ratio. However, few implementations of facial…

Stereophotogrammetry-Based Facial Depth Measurements, A Novel Method for Quantifying Facial Projection. YSN Jayaratne, CK Deutsch, RA Zwahlen.

Date: February 2014. Source: Surgical Innovation, 21(1):59-64. Background: Orthognathic surgery leads to alteration of the spatial relationship of the mandible and maxilla resulting changes in the degree of facial projection. Traditional 2-dimensional cephalometry and photographic techniques do not provide data on facial depth. Though stereophotogrammetry can be used as a noninvasive method for evaluating facial…

3D asymmetry of operated children with oral clefts. I Bugaighis, CR Mattick, B Tiddeman, R Hobson.

Date: February 2014. Source: Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research, 17(1):27-37. Objectives: To explore three-dimensional (3D) facial asymmetry differences in operated children with oral clefts and to compare the results with a control group. Setting and Sample Population: The sample comprised one hundred and three 8- to 12-year-old children: 40 with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP); 23…

Developing a 3D colour image reproduction system for additive manufacturing of facial prostheses. K Xiao, F Zardawi, R van Noort, JM Yates.

Date: February 2014. Source: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Volume 70, Issue 9-12, pp 2043–2049. Abstract:  In this study, a new 3D colour image reproduction system is proposed for the automated and accurate additive manufacturing of soft tissue facial prostheses. A framework of 3D colour image reproduction was defined and a protocol for each…

Three-Dimensional Stereophotogrammetry: A Novel Method in Volumetric Measurement of Infantile Hemangioma. DJJ Hermans, TJJ Maal, SJ Bergé, CJM Vleuten.

Date: January 2014. Source: Pediatric Dermatology. Volume 31, Issue 1, pp 118-122. Abstract: Accurate and objective measurement of volume changes in infantile hemangiomas (IHs) is essential in routine clinical practice and clinical studies, particularly in the changing therapeutic landscape after the discovery of propranolol. Several bedside techniques for volume measurement have been described in the…

Autism: Comparative Genomics and Interactomics. C Barth, N Bishop.

Date: January 2014 Source: Comprehensive Guide to Autism, pp 2853–2880. New York: Springer, 2014. Abstract: Many common human neurological disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and schizophrenia, have complex genetics and inheritance patterns. While understanding the molecular mechanisms of single-gene disorders is comparatively straightforward, complex diseases are, by their…