MeshMonk: Open-source large-scale intensive 3D phenotyping. JD White, A Ortega-Castrillón, H Matthews et al.

Date: April 2019. Source: Scientific Reports 9, 6085. Abstract: Dense surface registration, commonly used in computer science, could aid the biological sciences in accurate and comprehensive quantification of biological phenotypes. However, few toolboxes exist that are openly available, non-expert friendly, and validated in a way relevant to biologists. Here, we report a customizable toolbox…

MeshGAN: Non-linear 3D Morphable Models of Faces. S Cheng, M Bronstein, Y Zhou, I Kotsia, M Pantic, S Zafeiriou.

Date: April 2019. Source: Cornell University Library –, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Abstract: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are currently the method of choice for generating visual data. Certain GAN architectures and training methods have demonstrated exceptional performance in generating realistic synthetic images (in particular, of human faces). However, for 3D object, GANs still…

DeepWrinkles: Accurate and Realistic Clothing Modeling. Zorah Lähner, Daniel Cremers, Tony Tung.

Date: September 2018. Source: 15th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Munich, Germany. Abstract: We present a novel method to generate accurate and realistic clothing deformation from real data capture. Previous methods for realistic cloth modeling mainly rely on intensive computation of physics-based simulation (with numerous heuristic parameters), while models reconstructed from visual observations typically…

Thesis. Craniofacial morphology and the use of neonatal non-invasive ventilation therapy. Don He.

Date: August 2018. Source: Thesis. University of British Columbia Library. Craniofacial Science, Dentistry, Faculty of University of British Columbia. Objective: A prospective cohort study with the overall objective to characterize the three-dimensional facial morphology of preterm infants over the course of the first 18 months of corrected age, participating in the Neonatal Follow-up Program of…

Estimating age and synthesising growth in children and adolescents using 3D facial prototypes. H Matthews, A Penington, J Clement et al.

Date: May 2018. Source: Forensic Science International, Volume 286, pp 61-69. Highlights: • Describes a framework for age estimation and growth prediction from 3D photographs. • Accuracy of both approaches is assessed. • This work can facilitate person identification and building 3D facial composites. Abstract: 3D facial images are becoming increasingly common. They provide more…

Body size estimation of self and others in females varying in BMI. A Thaler, MN Geuss, SC Mölbert, KE Giel, S Streuber, J Romero, MJ Black, BJ Mohler.

Date: February 2018. Source: PLOS One. 13(2): e0192152. Abstract: Previous literature suggests that a disturbed ability to accurately identify own body size may contribute to overweight. Here, we investigated the influence of personal body size, indexed by body mass index (BMI), on body size estimation in a non-clinical population of females varying in BMI. We attempted…

Genetics of the human face: Identification of large-effect single gene variants. DJM Crouch, B Winney, WP Koppen, WJ Christmas, K Hutnik, T Day, D Meena, A Boumertit, P Hysi, A Nessa, TD Spector, J Kittler, WF Bodmer.

Date: January 2018. Source: People of the British Isles, Newsletter Issue 7. Abstract: We have been studying the genetics underlying human facial features since the renewal of our PoBI grant from the Wellcome Trust in 2009. We have been doing this by going back to as many of the original volunteers as we could to…

Genetics of the human face: Identification of large-effect single gene variants. DJM Crouch, B Winney, WP Koppen, WJ Christmas, K Hutnik, T Day, D Meena, A Boumertit, P Hysi, A Nessa, TD Spector, J Kittler, WF Bodmer.

Date: October 2017 Source: PNAS | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1708207114. Significance: The human face is extraordinarily variable, and the extreme similarity of the faces of identical twins indicates that most of this variability is genetically determined. We have devised an approach to increase the…

Clothcap. 4D Movies Capture People in Clothing, Creating Realistic Virtual Try-on. M Black, G Pons-Moll, S Pujades.

Date: August 2017 Source: SIGGRAPH 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA Overview: Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) have developed technology to digitally capture clothing on moving people, turn it into a 3D digital form, and dress virtual avatars with it. This new technology makes virtual clothing try-on practical. ClothCap uses 4D…

Hypermasculinised facial morphology in boys and girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder and its association with symptomatology. DW Tan, SZ Gilani, MT Maybery, A Mian, A Hunt, M Walters, AJO Whitehouse.

Date: August 2017 Source: SCiENtifiC REporTS | 7: 9348 Abstract: Elevated prenatal testosterone exposure has been associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and facial masculinity. By employing three-dimensional (3D) photogrammetry, the current study investigated whether prepubescent boys and girls with ASD present increased facial masculinity compared to typically-developing controls. There were two phases to…