The validity of 3dMDvultus in predicting soft tissue morphology following orthognathic surgery. Rehan Ullah.

Date: July 2014. Source: British Association of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS) Meeting 2014, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Presentation: The validity of 3dMDvultus in predicting soft tissue morphology following orthognathic surgery. Presenter: Rehan Ullah.

Analysis of Digital Measures of Cranial Vault Asymmetry for Assessment of Plagiocephaly. G Skolnick, S Naidoo, K Patel, A Woo.

Date: July 2014. Source: Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 25(4):1178-82. Background: Deformational plagiocephaly (DP) is an asymmetry of the skull caused by extrinsic compression. With the advent of the Back to Sleep campaign, DP is of increased interest to parents and healthcare providers. Traditionally, this asymmetry has been assessed by caliper measurements. However, little consensus exists…

Positional Plagiocephaly: Experience with a Passive Orthotic Mattress. P Sillifant, P Vaiude, S Bruce, D Quirk, A Sinha, S Burn, D Richardson, C Duncan.

Date: July 2014. Source: Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 25(4):1365-8. Abstract: Positional plagiocephaly (deformational or occipital plagiocephaly) is the most common head-shape deformity, which is presented to specialist craniofacial units. The aim of management is to reduce pressure on the affected area in the expectation that brain growth will drive normalization of the head shape. Current…

Quantitative Evaluation of the Facial Morphology of a Tolteca Figurine from Mexico using Geometric Morphometric Approaches. JM Starbuck.

Date: June 2014. Source: International Journal of Morphology. Volume 32, Number 2, pp 499–509. Summary: Morphometric approaches can be combined with 2D or 3D imaging to quantitatively evaluate craniofacial medical conditions depicted in material culture and to learn more about the culture being studied. A terra-cotta figurine (circa 500 A.D.) from the Tolteca culture of…

Exploratory genotype–phenotype correlations of facial form and asymmetry in unaffected relatives of children with non-syndromic cleft lip and/or palate. SF Miller, SM Weinberg, NL Nidey, DK Defay, ML Marazita, GL Wehby, LM Moreno Uribe.

Date: June 2014 Source: Journal of Anatomy, Volume 224, Issue 6, pp 688-709. Abstract: Family relatives of children with nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NSCL/P) who presumably carry a genetic risk yet do not manifest overt oral clefts, often present with distinct facial morphology of unknown genetic etiology. This study investigates distinct…

Reliability of Nasolabial Anthropometric Measures Using Three-Dimensional Stereophotogrammetry in Infants with Unrepaired Unilateral Cleft Lip. R Tse, L Booth, K Keys, B Saltzman, E Stuhaug, H Kapadia, C Heike.

Date: April 2014 Source: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgery, Volume 133, Issue 4, p 530e–542e. Background: Surgical and orthodontic treatment of unilateral cleft lip +/– palate can produce dramatic changes in nasolabial form; however, the lack of ideal methods with which to objectively document three-dimensional form limits the…

Three-Dimensional Soft Tissue Change of the Malar Region with High Le-Fort 1 Advancement: Implications for Aesthetic Malar Contouring. D Morris, B Rosett, L Zhao, and P Patel.

Date: April 2014. Source: The Aesthetic Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA. Abstract: While orthognathic procedures are performed for a number of clinical scenarios, a fundamental goal is to reposition the facial skeletal components so as to improve both function as well as aesthetics. For patients with malar hypoplasia, modification of the traditional Le Fort 1…

Modeling 3D Facial Shape from DNA. P Claes, DK Liberton, K Daniels, KM Rosana, EE Quillen, LN Pearson, B McEvoy, M Bauchet, AA Zaidi, W Yao, H Tang, GS Barsh, DM Absher, MD Shriver.

Date: March 2014 Source: PLOS Genetics. Abstract: Human facial diversity is substantial, complex, and largely scientifically unexplained. We used spatially dense quasi-landmarks to measure face shape in population samples with mixed West African and European ancestry from three locations (United States, Brazil, and Cape Verde). Using bootstrapped response-based imputation modeling (BRIM), we uncover the relationships…

The perception of facial asymmetry using 3-dimensional simulated images. G McAvinchey, F Maxim, B Nix, J Djordjevic, R Linklater, G Landini.

Date: March 2014. Source: The Angle Orthodontist (Online). Objective: To investigate the perception of facial asymmetry in young adults to identify the amounts of chin asymmetry that can be regarded as normal and may benefit from correction. Materials and Methods: Three-dimensional (3D) images of 56 individuals of mixed ethnicity were obtained and used to produce…

Digital imaging analysis to assess scar phenotype. BJ Smith, N Nidey, SF Miller, LMM Uribe, CL Baum, GS Hamilton, GL Wehby, M Dunnwald.

Date: March-April 2014. Source: Wound Repair and Regeneration, Volume 22, Issue 2, pages 228–238. Abstract: In order to understand the link between the genetic background of patients and wound clinical outcomes, it is critical to have a reliable method to assess the phenotypic characteristics of healed wounds. In this study, we present a novel imaging…