Hemimandibular Hyperplasia Correction by Simultaneous Orthognathic Surgery and Condylectomy Under Digital Guidance. Bi Han, X Wang, Z Li et al.

Date: July 2018. Source: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Volume 76, Issue 7, pp 1563.e1-1563.e18. Objective: Orthognathic surgery with simultaneous condylectomy under digital guidance has been proved to be a feasible method to treat hemimandibular hyperplasia (HH). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects and precision of correction of HH by…

Three‐dimensional facial phenotyping in obstructive sleep apnoea. RWW Lee.

Date: June 2018 Source: Respirology, Volume 23, Issue 6, pp 560-561. Abstract: Craniofacial structure is an important anatomical determinant of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). While obesity is the major attributing risk factor for OSA, it is well established that a restricted craniofacial bony skeleton also contributes to a more collapsible upper airway, which is a…

Evaluation of facial asymmetry in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Correlation between hard tissue and soft tissue landmarks. S Economou, P Stoustrup, KD Kristensen, M Dalstra, A Küseler, T Herlin, TK Pedersen.

Date: May 2018. Source: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Volume 153, Issue 5, Pages 662–672. Hightlights: • Soft-tissue and hard-tissue asymmetries in JIA patients are correlated. • In JIA patients, asymmetries are most pronounced in the lower facial third. • Glabella had the least deviation. • Pogonion presented the largest level of deviation.…

Test-retest reliability of smile tasks using three-dimensional facial topography. C Tanikawa, K Takada.

Date: May 2018. Source: Angle Orthodontist, Vol 88, No 3, pp 319–328. Objective: To evaluate the test-retest reliability of three types of facial expression tasks using three-dimensional (3D) facial topography. Methods: Twelve adult volunteers were enrolled in this study. They were instructed to perform three different facial expression tasks: rest posture, posed smile, and maximum…

Comparison of an unsupervised machine learning algorithm and surgeon diagnosis in the clinical differentiation of metopic craniosynostosis and benign metopic ridge. MJ Cho, RR Hallac, M Effendi, JR Seaward, AA Kane.

Date: April 2018. Source: Scientific Reports, Volume 8, Article number: 6312. Abstract: Metopic suture closure can manifest as a benign metopic ridge (BMR), a variant of normal, to “true” metopic craniosynostosis (MCS), which is associated with severe trigonocephaly. Currently, there is no gold standard for how much associated orbitofrontal dysmorphology should trigger surgical intervention. In…

Three-dimensional photography for the evaluation of facial profiles in obstructive sleep apnoea. SW Lin, K Sutherland, YF Liao, PA Cistulli, LP Chuang, YT Chou, CH Chang, CS Lee, LF Li, NH Chen.

Date: February 2018. Source: Respirology, 10.1111/resp.13261. Background and Objective: Craniofacial structure is an important determinant of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) syndrome risk. Three-dimensional stereo-photogrammetry (3dMD) is a novel technique which allows quantification of the craniofacial profile. This study compares the facial images of OSA patients captured by 3dMD to three-dimensional computed tomography (3-D CT) and…

Treatment of Craniosynostoses. N Salokorpi.

Date: November 2017. Source: Academic dissertation, Health and Biosciences, University of Oulu. Abstract: This work evaluated the safety and effectiveness of operative techniques used in cranioplastic surgery and outcomes of these surgical methods. In study I the feasibility of endocranial fixation in frontal remodeling surgery for metopic and coronal synostosis was established. Good to excellent…

Three-dimensional analysis of the effect of expansion and/or protraction on oropharyngeal volume and MCA in nonsyndromic CLP/CLCP children. J GAO, N ALREJAYE, S OBEROI.

Date: October 2017. Source: UCSF School of Dentistry Research and Clinical Excellence Day 2017 Program. UCSF students and research trainees present their work through posters and oral presentations to the School of Dentistry community and includes more than 60 presentations and draws more than 400 attendees. Objective: Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is the most…

Digital design of patient-specific abutments for the retention of implant-retained facial prostheses. C Kincade, L McHutchion, J Wolfaardt.

Date: March 2017. Source: Presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration, Orlando, Fla, March 2017 and the 6th Triennial Conference for Advanced Digital Technology in Head and Neck Reconstruction, Amiens, France, May 2017. Abstract: The present report describes the digital design of patient-specific milled abutments for the retention of osseointegrated facial…

Comprehensive treatment approach for condylar hyperplasia and mandibular crowding with custom lingual braces and 2-jaw surgery. PG Kyteas, WS McKenzie, PD Waite, CH Kau.

Date: January 2017 Source: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Volume 151, Issue 1, PP 174–185. Highlights: • A woman had progressive condylar hyperplasia from age 3 years. • Three-dimensional diagnosis and treatment plan were conducted. • A self-ligating lingual brace system were used. • Three-dimensional surgery was performed and splints placed to correct…