Digital design of patient-specific abutments for the retention of implant-retained facial prostheses. C Kincade, L McHutchion, J Wolfaardt.

Date: March 2017. Source: Presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration, Orlando, Fla, March 2017 and the 6th Triennial Conference for Advanced Digital Technology in Head and Neck Reconstruction, Amiens, France, May 2017. Abstract: The present report describes the digital design of patient-specific milled abutments for the retention of osseointegrated facial…

A Parametric Model of Shoulder Articulation for Virtual Assessment of Space Suit Fit. KH KIM, KS YOUNG, Y BERNAL, A BOPPANA, LQ VU, EA BENSON, S JARVIS, SL RAJULU.

Date: December 2016 Source: 2016 International Conference on 3D Body Scanning, Lugano, Switzerland. Abstract: Suboptimal suit fit is a known risk factor for crew member shoulder injury. Suit fit assessment is however prohibitively time consuming and cannot be generalized across wide variations of body shapes and poses. In this work, we have developed a new…

Orofacial rehabilitation with zygomatic implants: CAD-CAM bar and magnets for patients with nasal cancer after rhinectomy and partial maxillectomy. E King, C Abbott, L Dovgalski, J Owens.

Date: November 2016. Source: The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Abstract: Nasal carcinoma extending into the premaxilla requires radical surgical excision including rhinectomy and partial maxillectomy. Rehabilitation is complex and involves the use of removable prostheses. Three patients treated with zygomatic implants and custom-milled bars to retain an obturator and nasal prosthesis are presented. Article: Orofacial…

Academics hook up with lingerie company to improve radiotherapy treatment.

As seen on the Sheffield Hallam website… Academics at Sheffield Hallam University are working with a lingerie company and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to provide a new specially designed bra for some women undergoing breast radiotherapy, which they hope will improve accuracy of treatment and also help patients maintain dignity during radiotherapy. Working with…

Body Labs and 3dMD Announce Partnership to Deliver First End-to-End 3D Body Scan Processing Solution.

NEW YORK — October 5, 2016 — Body Labs, provider of the world’s most advanced technology for analyzing the human body’s shape, pose and motion, announced today a partnership with 3dMD, the world’s leading provider of high-precision static-3D and temporal-3D (marker-less 4D) systems for seamlessly capturing the human body’s anatomical shape, pose, and motion, to…

The course of positional cranial deformation from 3 to 12 months of age and associated risk factors: a follow-up with 3D imaging. H Aarnivala, V Vuollo, V Harila, T Heikkinen, P Pirttiniemi, L Holmström, AM Valkama.

Date: September 2016. Source: European Journal of Pediatrics, pp 1–11. doi:10.1007/s00431-016-2773-z. Abstract: Deformational plagiocephaly is reported in up to 46.6 % of healthy infants, with the highest point prevalence at around 3 months of age. Few prospective studies on the natural course of skull deformation have been conducted, and we know of no studies using…

A first look inside the new facility where Under Armour creates athletic apparel of the future. Business Insider.

Date: July 8, 2016. Source: Business Insider. Summary: Under Armour’s new innovation lab, the Lighthouse, is a state-of-the art facility to create and test the next generation of athletic products. It will also create new capabilities for faster and more efficient manufacturing.

Latest 3dMDbody.t System (7fps) demonstrated by customer at ISEA 2016 in Delft.

Date: July 2016 Source: 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association. Delft, The Netherlands. Activity: The latest-generation dynamic 3dMDbody.t System (7fps) located in the Industrial Design Engineering School, TU Delft, a long-standing 3dMD customer, was demonstrated to delegates participating in the 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association.