Analysis of Forces Generated by N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator Tethering Devices: A Pilot Study. R Roberge, G Niezgoda, S Benson

Date: June 2012. Source: Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene; Volume 9, Issue 8, pp 517-23. Abstract: The restorative forces of elasticized tethering devices on N95 filtering facepiece respirators (N95 FFR), that occur in response to the application of a load (applied force) during donning, create the requisite pressure to effectively seal the respirator against…

Successfully Taking Hundreds of 3D Medical Photographs Daily. K Duncan.

Date: March 2012. Source: IMI News. Article: With a highly ambitious goal of building the world’s largest database of 3D facial images for vital research into face shape patterns, clinical teams from Great Ormond Street Hospital, University College Hospital, Eastman Dental Hospital and the Institute recently launched the “Me in 3D” initiative in the London…

Assessment of rhinoplasty techniques by overlay of before-and-after 3D images. DM Toriumi, T Dixon.

Date: November 2011. Source: 3D Imaging Technologies for Facial Plastic Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Volume 19, Number 4, Pages 712-723. Abstract: This article describes the equipment and software used to create facial 3D imaging and discusses the validation and reliability of the objective assessments done using this equipment. By overlaying preoperative…

Creation of the Virtual Patient for the Study of Facial Morphology. CH Kau.

Date: November 2011. Source: 3D Imaging Technologies for Facial Plastic Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Volume 19, Number 4, Pages 615-622. Abstract: The author provides an overview of the new imaging technologies that allow the practitioner to accurately capture the patient’s soft tissue facial morphology and underlying bones and teeth, including details…

Image Fusion in Preoperative Planning. SA Schendel, KS Duncan, CR Lane.

Date: November 2011. Source: 3D Imaging Technologies for Facial Plastic Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol 19, Issue 4 , Pages 577-590. Abstract: This article presents a comprehensive overview of generating a digital Patient-Specific Anatomic Reconstruction (PSAR) model of the craniofacial complex as the foundation for a more objective surgical planning platform.…

Facial dimensions of Malay children with repaired unilateral cleft lip and palate: a three dimensional analysis. M Zreaqat, R Hassan, AS Halim.

Date: June 2012. Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; 41(6):783-8. Abstract: This comparative cross-sectional study assessed the facial surface dimensions of a group of Malay children with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) and compared them with a control group. 30 Malay children with UCLP aged 8–10 years and 30 unaffected age-matched children…

A Dysmorphometric Analysis to Investigate Facial Phenotypic Signatures as a Foundation for Non-invasive Monitoring of Lysosomal Storage Disorders. S Kung, M Walters, P Claes, J Goldblatt, P Le Souef, G Baynam.

Date: June 2012 (Epub). Source: JIMD Reports; Volume 8, pp 31-39. Background: Some lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs), including Muccopolysaccharidosis type 1 (MPSI), are associated with characteristic facies. Methods such as three-dimensional (3D) facial scanning and geometric morphometric techniques can potentially generate detailed objective descriptions of these facial phenotypes. This approach can facilitate discriminating the inherent…

Thesis: Sexual Dimorphism in Soft Tissue Facial Form as captured by Digital Three-Dimensional Photogrammetry. SB Lim

Date: June 2012. Source: University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine, Master’s Thesis. Abstract: Sexual dimorphism in the head and neck area is a particular interest to orthodontists who manipulate the underlying hard tissue in order to alter the overlaying soft tissue. Hard tissue differences between the sexes have been well documented in the literature…

Combining Conebeam Computed Tomographs, Digital Study Models and Three-Dimensional Photography. M Dalstra, TK Pedersen, B Melsen

Date(s): June 18-23, 2012. Source: 88th Congress EOS 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Presentation: Combining Conebeam Computed Tomographs, Digital Study Models, and Three-Dimensional Photography. Authors: M Dalstra, TK Pedersen, B Melsen, Department of Orthodontics, Aarhus University, Denmark.